Tripawd Cat – Life After Amputation (Soft Tissue Sarcoma)
Author: Purrkins
Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty.
Please continue Mr. Purrkins Prayer Train overnight!
We are home, you guys w/o Mr. P at the moment, several pup emergencies (paralyzed pups) came first, and Mr. Purrkins is gentleman enough to know that they need the care more than he does right now.
Purrkins will stay overnight, the Mri still may happen today. We are to phone them at 6 p.m, and will know more specifics! The vet will want Mr. P to recover there. I asked how Purrkins was doing and was told he was “just hanging out” typical Mr.Purrkins😽!
Your visual Dogwood where Purrkins is hanging out.
Dogwood Veterinary Referral Center
Please do take notice of the excellent address!
Our sign Purrkins is in the best of hands; & the Vet is a gem!
yep, another sign of our lucky numbers;)
Mr. Traveling Purrkins on our way there.
Really Mom, more pictures! And Mom put your glasses on so you can see if the pics are blurry!🤓Enjoying the view.Taking a snooze
Sexy Saxton was elated we came home! But he says, where is my brother?
Where is Purrkins?!
WE LOVE the Wyze camera. We could check on Saxton whenever & did:) Here is one screenshot! The blinds are down and not one light on & yes, you can still see. I will post better images so you guys can see them at a later time. I was able to speak to Sexy Saxton thru the camera. 😁
Snoozing Sexy Saxton & his timed feeder on the table;)
Most importantly Purrkins is in the best of hands! He has his own Purrkins Palace within a Palace!
Please understand I have too much information swirling in my head! I’m shattered & do not have the energy to post all the information yet. I wanted to get at least this out to you all!
Please continue fueling our prayer train & I will keep you posted!
Loads of love and a million thank you’s🤝🤝🤝😽😽😽💝💝💝🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🚂🚂🚂
We can use some pawsitive thoughts here at Purrkins Palace
We ask the tripawd nation for prayers, pawsitive thoughts, good juju, for Purrkins, please!
6 Month Recheck
December 3, we had our six-month recheck appt curbside.
I have no idea the odds here, but that morning of the appt. Purrkins showed me something was wrong; what we thought was his mouth. He did a painful yawn type thing, his eyes looked off to me, and I went to look in his mouth, and he growled at me. (Never Purrkins unless he is in pain). The Vet took a look at Purrkins mouth and suspected a tooth is bothering him. (He has had reabsorption lesions in the past. Happy Hoppy Eighth Birthday. He would need dental & radiographs to confirm.
The Vet did the recheck – bloodwork, chest X-rays, urinalysis, and bp sent us home with a low dose of gabapentin for the tooth pain. (another story entirely) grrr. Controlled substance!!
Purrkins bloodwork was great, chest X-rays clean, urinalysis clean, and bp great!
The soonest they could do a dental is in February because appts are all backed up from covid. The Vet gave us several other dentists to phone again, all booked until February. That was not an option for us, so we dug further and found a gold kitty hospital (one of a few in Michigan); they would love to see Purrkins that Friday.
Switching vets curbside, oh yes. Not getting a dental appt until February forced our hand, and for that, we could not be more thankful!
New Kitty Only Hosptial
The kitty only hospital has been the biggest blessing and NO comparison to a traditional high volume practice. No comparison to a kitty friendly practice either. We have tried two kitty, friendly practices! No comparison; we have not even been inside, mind you. They have taken so much time with us and have been available to us anytime we have needed them by phone, email, etc. If you have a cat, please do your cat and yourself a favor and find a kitty only clinic Cat-Friendly Veterinarian.
I was so nervous for Purrkins having to go into a new place, new people on his own. When we pulled into the parking spaces, they are all marked to know where each patient is. New of course, for these times, and when I looked up and saw a number 3, We felt a sense of relief, our sign!!
Our sign!
Curbside Appointment
Our appt could not have gone better! They start the appt with Purrkins in the car; we talked to the tech and Vet first. Then they came to get Purrkins and the Vet phones again. We were on the phone most of the visit with the Vet. She is LOVELY. What a massive change speaking to a cat only vet. She knew every term I was using as I described what Purrkins was experiencing what pain signals he was showing me.
She can see the same as our Vet; one tooth likely will need to come out. But again, requires the dental and radiographs to confirm! We booked the dental for January 11. She will ensure Purrkins is comfortable until our next app. I told her what our Vet sent home and that I BUMPED up his Gaba dose on my own, knowing Purrkins did well on Gaba in recovery and wanting to make him comfortable until we saw her!! She was glad I did 🙂 She sent him home with 200 mg of Gabapentin a day. 100 mg every 12 hours and will check on us in a few days and see how Purrkins was doing,
My Gaba
Purrkins did ok on the Gaba but started having these twitches – whiskers, eyes. I took videos for the Vet; she took a look and said it’s nothing to be concerned with and thought it was mild tooth pain even on 200 mg of Gaba. So we continued the Gaba, and these twitches become more frequent; I sent more videos. She said she wanted to send the video to a neurologist to confirm she is not missing something and did! I had already googled all this and researching the what-ifs. Ugh, don’t do my friends!
Focal seizures
So I get the call from the kitty Vet; the neurologist is afraid Purrkins is having partial seizures/focal seizures. (MY FEAR) They want to see him and rule this out. The vet wants to postpone the dental until we know more. The fear Purrkins could have a grand mal seizure being sedated.
We had the choice to start antiseizure meds right away or wait to see the neurologist. We chose both to start meds phenobarbital and booked the neurologist appt. The pheno was like a little miracle; the periodic twitches stopped until January 12th – 12 days into the meds.
Purrkins had three more of these in a row! A head tilt- cocked to one side along with a head quiver. I panicked, grabbed my phone, recorded, tried to help Purrkins, but there is no way my panic helped. I have my phone 24/7 because the vet needs to see these as they happen. Thankfully they only lasted seconds. I called the Vet and sent a video of this entirely different twitch, seizure. Dr.R, the kitty vet, sees a typical focal seizure in the video and what the neuro was afraid might be happening. She increased his phenobarbital that evening.
Back to the kitty Hospital
We went back to the kitty hospital yesterday to check the plasma levels of the pheno in Purrkins blood. It needs to reach a certain therapeutic level to be effective, and we have room to move up in the meds. Since the increase, today is day four so far, so good. Purrkins is resting a little more but no twitching. KNOCK ON WOOD!
The bad news is a side effect of the meds is weight gain. Purrkins gained ounces since his last appt. Kitty vet said not to worry right now about the side effects they will subside, sedation, starving, weight gain, peeing more, increased thirst. She asked me to send her the nutritional analysis of the food we feed and how much etc., she would take a look and see how we can counteract the meds and help Purrkins in the future. NEVER have we had someone care and take the time to go this far and want all these details. I know she will have some input for us. She truly cares about her patients and wants the best absolute best for them, she continues to tell me she is there for us, and these are not just words. She has been here for us 1000% HUGE BLESSING!
Our neurologist appt is Monday, the 18th at 9:00. In Farmington Hills, Dogwood Veterinary about an hour and a half drive for us. We are scheduled for an exam and MRI. We are preparing (the best one can) for the worst and praying/hoping for the best. (Admin’s words:) The cause could be several things and many non-life-threatening! However, it can be our worst fear, too, yes _ in the brain! We are holding on to all the pawsitives until we know more. Purrkins could have a grand mal seizure while being sedated, and we hold onto that if this would occur, Purrkins will be in the best place possible to get the care he would need.
The rest of the answers may or may not come! And we will take each thing as it comes. We will do our absolute best for Purrkins. We have the best team going into this Kitty vet, dr matt (holistic and traditional vet), and the neurology group, who are all diplomats in the field. The results will go to both vets, the kitty Vet & Dr. Matt. Dr. Matt being our beloved Dr. Matt, has already spoken with us and talked us off the cliff for now. Again huge blessing to have this team for Purrkins.
Tripawd Ambassador
Purrkins goes wearing his tripawd gear, bandana on his carrier, and Aunt Rene’s protecting this cat charm! We will be carrying you all with us on Monday. We will not jump into the deep end just yet, Although, of course, I already have and clawed myself back out! Now that I’m out, I’m staying out and will take each tick at a time. (my aunt Janice sage words)
Protect this cat🙏🏻Always a Tripawds Ambassador
We hope and pray today and tomorrow remain uneventful for Purkins, no twitches, no seizures🙏🏻, and we get to our appt w/o a hitch!!
Mark and I have been on watch 24/7! We know what to watch for and when we need to go to the ER. If the twitching lasts longer than one min, we wrap Purrkins in a blanket and race to MSU. Our prayer this does not happen, but we have to know what to do and when.
It has a little ice pack to serve wet food (we do raw but will use can for this day, it holds three meals, one instant and two on a timer.
Ice pack
We bought it just for this day trip, and thankfully both the boys are not afraid of the sound and will use it. I don’t care for plastic, but it is BPA free. I can’t suggest it highly enough; it works like a dream right on time, no issues whatsoever, and a huge peace of mind knowing Saxton will get his meals on time. (sorry, I should have clipped Saxton’s video a bit:) too late.
We also installed a little Wyze cam to check in on Saxton and make sure all is ok.
The neurology appt is also curbside, so we will be in the car the day we cannot even use the restroom.
All Purrkins records and supplies for our long day
I will do my best to keep you all posted as we tread into another unknown. If I go mia, it is because I will need to regroup, ok.
A picture worth a thousand words💝
Stay pawsitive with us, please.
Super KittyOur superhero
Purrkins hunting a mouse on the back porch!
I will get that mouse Mom YUMthe highlight at 1:30 a.m; the mouse comes out on the back porch! Our sweet boys
Special heartfelt thank you to our family, peeps, and friends who are holding us up through this difficult time. Although we are all distanced, we feel the love and strength! We are blessed beyond measure to have you in our lives.
One of many prayers
my ongoing prayer
Love you all, and thank you in advance for sending Purrkins all your tripawd magical power & love!
Grab your furmily and a bowl, fork, or spoon and celebrate with us, please.
Tuna Steaks for Everyone!
Mum made Tuna steaks for our celebration. Whoa, they are the best. No comparison to a canned tuna! We ate every ounce of our one ounce lol.
Tuna Steaks Pan-seared 1.5 minutes each side in olive oilWE RUV TUNA STEAKSYUM
Two steaks made 7 ounces a ton FYI if anyone else decides to try tuna steaks. I got them from Whole Foods and pan-seared them in olive oil for 1.5 minutes each side.
The boys highly suggest that you do they devoured it. YUM
We got prizes too!
Saxton gets rewards for being the best brother!I celebrate my brotherI had the best pawty!
Four years ago
Was in no way a celebration day; it was terrifying. Purrkins was having surgery to remove a limb that we said to take off. UGH! Waiting, wondering if we were doing what was best for Purrkins! I was sewing Purrkins baby onesies anxiously waiting to hear that surgery went well! I second-guessed our decision once a couple of days later when I brought Purrkins home. & never since.
Eternally grateful for Tripawds!
My heart goes out to anyone going thru this journey anytime, let alone in a pandemic. (hugs) We are eternally grateful for Tripawds, the community the love, support, ongoing education thru all these years. A former dog site who graciously gave us cats a home, a platform, and a much-needed handbook. Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats.
None of us know what we are going to get as in time/calendar days when we receive that C diagnosis and make that horrible decision to take a limb off! We make the best-informed decision out of LOVE and HOPE and Pray for quality of life and, of course, time!
We have been blessed beyond measure and do not take one day for granted & we hope for many more!
Enjoying outdoor time in our tents
Purrkins is our inspiration every day! Mark calls him superman & I made him a little cape for today.
My survivor cape
Purrkins says, what is this, Mum? I need no costume or cape; everyone can see I’m a super kitty on three.
super kitties don’t need costumes
Nothing stops this boy like it or not Purrkins says, what missing leg Mom? I’m fine. Stop worrying about me. (If only i could;)
The boys also celebrated double digits; they turned 10 on June 30th!
Happy Birthday to us!
We do our best not concentrating on and reading about C every day; it began to steal our joy and dim our light. I made us all a promise when Purrkins was diagnosed to slow down and enjoy every day. Removing Purrkins from my laptop was not keeping that promise!
I can now say I am keeping that promise.
We are living in the now no matter what the now looks like! The boys see this virus as a good thing; they now have their Dad home full-time (early retirement), and they are missing out on vet appts;) Win-win for them. (I can’t find a way to pass them off curbside yet. UGH)
We hope you are all staying safe and well! Thanks for joining us!
Over and out here from Purrkins Palace. Until next time.
Purrkins lights our world up every day!CANCER FREE – no metastatic disease! 🎗 3 ON 33 YEARS ON 3!
The video below is 9 minutes long — a CELEBRATION of Purrkins and a special tribute to, tripawds here today and ones of yesterday. We included as many HEROS as possible! We hope you will celebrate with us and salute our CHAMPION TRIPAWDS of the world! I know 9 minutes is a lot to ask but we HOPE you will watch. Thank you!
We made MegaWheels Liver Cake for the boys in molds.
Megastar’s FAMOUS Liver cakes! THANKS, CLARE & MEGThree-year celebration platter Mum baked for us.YumMy candle is not lit because my fur would catch on fire! See it lights up safely;) All different colors too. We like yellow the best!🎗
We made Pooch Creamery Ice Cream and poured into kitty molds. It’s a ton of ice cream for cats we have it froze for more celebrations. The boys split a kitty cube;) It is lactose-free. We are hard-pressed to find kitty celebration items we have to be creative in most things kitty;)
Kitty ice cream cubes
We love BOTH our boys and would not trade them for the world! Saxton’s included in everything expect so many vet visits, and Saxton is thankful he prefers to stay home!
Waiting on our prizesI got real mail from Super Stu and his peeps💝😘 It says I rule Today and every day😻YeowwwI am sharing my bonito flakes with Sexy Saxton but not my q-tips:)Happy KittyTime for a snooze I am pawtied out
The boys are our borrowed angels, and we are honored to be their humans!
We are hopping into another year and HOPE and PRAY we can slowly jump into old age and never see the likes 💩 of you know what again!
This little kitty is River he was found in a junkyard dragging a severely injured leg. The injury was too old to be repaired and the leg needed to be amputated. Judi was his human angel and fostered River. They first posted on the blog on July 28, 2018. I feel in love with River if we could have added another kitty he would be the boy’s brother. Pictures and captions shared thru Rivers recovery from Judi.
Rivers bum leg before amputationRivers StoryHome from surgery and already on the moveRiver in his baby onesie (adorable)River had a great night! He’s using the kitty litter box like a pro! He ate good this morning, played, took his medicine like a champ, and LOVES to be cuddled. He seems to be resting well on the pain meds. I just adore this boy and has touched my heart forever!River is doing fantastic! Eating, playing, resting, loving and purring away. This was last night after I gave him his medicine. Such a love!River is doing great!Those Itchy stitches are outHe climbs up the bed and jumps over to the top of the cat condo (lots of pillows below just in case)looking out the window for the birdiesRiver already using his core strength
Me- Last I had heard from Judi little River was going up for adoption.
I checked in with Judi to see if River found his furever home and guess what River is in his furever home with JUDI the foster Mom. YES! 😁😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️I was so happy to hear it!
Judi “My darling boy River was officially adopted by me after he was returned to the shelter. as soon as he was returned, he came “HOME.”
Me-Of course, this was meant to be! River says yes Mom I love you!
River is all grown up & so handsome.
River has a furmily of three other kitties he loves.
River & BobertRiver and Tiger who is a special needs senior with thyroid problems. River loves all his furmilyBlack is Paislee, orange is Tiger, of course, River, and Bobert. See were Judi’s spot is? 🙂
Judi – “River is doing amazing! I guess because he was so young when he had the amputation that he really doesn’t know anything different.
He runs, he climbs, he jumps … he’s quite the adventurous boy!
ME- Kitties adapt to three legs quickly River was happy to get rid of that bum leg and get on doing all kitty things on three and now all young cat things:) Scratches & Smooches to River & the furmily thanks for keeping us updated and sharing Sweet River with us.
Extra prayers for Judi she has been going thru surgeries and medical issues and River is now being her caregiver and healer!
I have mentioned this before the soul purpose for starting this blog was to share Purrkins journey and hopefully help others under the same terrifying circumstances. For whatever the cause of the amputation. It brings tears to my eyes to know Purrkins and his life on three legs have helped other kitties and their humans!All of our stories help another when they are frantically searching for answers and HOPE! I know we read every blog and watched endless video’s to see yes this is doable. We could see Purrkins would still have a quality of life & be able to do all kitty things on three. I KNOW we would not have felt as confident in our decision if we had not found Tripawds and had support!
I HATE that any of us have to be here and HATE we have to meet under these circumstances but so thankful we are here hopping on. We have met so many lovely people all here for the same reason the love for their furry one (Furmily)!
Many people find Purrkins blog and post in desperation for help or have general questions. Some post once and we do not hear back, some post several times, some end up using the forums & as we have learned a lot read and never post.
We are going to do a few posts highlighting a few kitties we had the pleasure of getting to know & see their sweet selves. I wanted them to have a day in the spotlight to share their story because ALL of our Tripawds deserve to be seen and shared. Our heroes on three legs!
Without further ado, this is Mr. Joshua diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his left rear leg at age 10 surgery was 4/27/18 his human slave is Giovanni/Gio:) They live in the United Kingdom.
Special guest post where Gio shares Mr. Johsua’s story, recovery & what has changed for them after the surgery hoping to help others.
Mr. Joshua.
Mr. Joshua is 10 when diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his left rear leg.
Guest post – Written by Giovanni
“So, after watching my cat “Mr Joshua” limp a little on his back left leg, I automatically assumed that he had pulled a muscle and it would get better. A few days passed and it didn’t improve, then a week and so I decided to take him to the vets. There he was given some pain killers (anti inflammatory medication) and we went home.
Another week passed and Mr Joshua seemed to be getting worse, so off we went to the vets again. This time, after an xray, they mentioned that he has bone cancer on his back left leg. Obviously, I was in shock. He was taken for a second opinion at a specialist animal hospital and this time a CT scan which is much more thorough than an xray (and a lot more expensive also I may add) and they confirmed my fears, the poor boy does have bone cancer.
The pain poor Mr Joshua was going through was horrible to watch, so specialist hospital prescribed a drug that is much stronger than morphine. This drug did the trick and he was his old self, though maybe a little spaced out. It was so nice to see him not in pain, purring and enjoying life. This made me so happy to see him being his old happy self, though there was a darker side to this as the longer he was on the morphine, the more the cancer spreads and if the bone formed hairline cracks, the pain would have been unbearable for him.
Unfortunately, all this drug was doing was buying a little more time before the vets would have to perform an operation and completely amputate his back leg.
In the end, I had no choice but to schedule surgery for Mr Joshua to have the leg amputated.
26/04/2018 – Night before surgery.
The mental anguish I was going through was terrible as I knew I had to take him in in the morning. One begins to question themselves, even to the point of if they are a good person for putting their loved pet through such a horrible procedure. You know it is to save their life but at that moment, that doesn’t help or stop the turmoil.
I found that that day, I went pretty quiet. You see your little baby looking at you all happy and playing and you begin to second guess yourself even more. I felt slightly spaced as I felt myself getting stressed, up tight, couldn’t eat, all because of what I was about to put Mr Joshua through the next day.
27/04/2018 – Day of the Operation.
I got up, got ready and put Mr Joshua in his cat carrier. I was practically shaking at what I was about to do. The constant thoughts saying “You can stop this at any moment”, and “Just call it off, buy him some more time, you can do this later, in a few weeks or so”.
I knew that I was doing the right thing to save my little boy, but that thought still didn’t make it any easier and I still felt like a horrible person.
I took him to the vets and after a chat with them, I handed over my little baby and left. I must admit that I felt so many mixed emotions all at once during the day. I was felt completely spaced out, like nothing was real. I also knew that I could just go straight back to the vets and stop this procedure if I wanted and stop them amputating my little babies leg. I also knew that I must not do this and the internal struggle was horrible.
All day I struggled at what I was putting Mr Joshua through. This poor cat who had come to trust me, love me and loved being by my side and now I was putting him through this surgery (amputation) and he would have no idea as to why the person he had come to trust, did this to him.
Oh yes, not only did my mind feel spaced, I had headaches all day at the stress of this and very little was going in when people were talking to me. One tries to pretend like everything is ok as let’s face it, everyone has their own issues to deal with and many a lot worse than mine, but that did not make it any easier. I tried to have a little rest during the day and found the only way that it ever so slightly helped was to have the radio on in the background as trust me, you do not want to be left with your own thoughts at a time like this as they can take you to a dark place, even when I keep telling myself that I am doing it to help Mr Joshua.
27/04/2018 – Day ½(I know, that sounds strange). Picking up Mr Joshua from the vets.
Some people may think that picking up your cat after such surgery is tough, and it is a little tough, but the hard part was when I got him home and saw my poor boy. I admit that I fell apart a few times (it wouldn’t be normal not to). I had been busy during the day setting up a dog cage with litter tray, food and water, his sleeping basket and other bits in there (it’s a pretty big dog cage), but putting him in there and seeing him struggle, that was tough. I know he is on pain medication and opioids, so he probably still doesn’t know exactly what has happened, but that does not make it any easier for me to deal with.
Ok, I admit that so far this is sounding a little negative, but believe it or not, the point of this diary is for me to share my feelings and what I am going through so that others going through a similar thing can see that they are not alone.
This is as far as I have got so far. Putting him in his temporary cage and seeing him rest up, oh, and writing this.
Mr Joshua Resting with his Soft Collar
28/04/2018 – Day 1
Ok, I will admit that this was a tough day. Jo and I were both in the front room (where his cage is) at 3.30am as he was thrashing about in there and seemed in discomfort. We both took it in turns to comfort Mr. Joshua and ended up trying to get a few moments rest whilst in there. We couldn’t leave him in the cage as it was just horrible to watch, so we let him wonder about the front room.
You can see the realization set in as your pet realizes what has happened and they can no longer get about as they once did. I will be honest here and admit that this was a painful heart-wrenching thing to watch.
We stayed with him and then had to get him back into the cat carrier as he had a check-up appointment at 10.15am. You can imagine how difficult it is to get a cat that has just been through this, into a pet carrier, as 1, you don’t want to risk touching the area that is sore, and 2, he is 100% against going into this as the last time he went in, it cost him a limb. Truth is, in his position, we would all be exactly the same so I don’t blame him one bit for putting up resistance.
10.45am – Our appointment was for 10.15am but there was just no way he was getting into that carrier and it took us the best part of 30 minutes to get him in, mainly because we were trying not to stress him out too much and had to be very careful with him. I called the vet in advance and they were understanding.
The vet’s due appointment went well, but I did explain that Mr. Joshua does not use litter trays and has never used one in all the years I have had him, and trying to get him to use one has been impossible. He does have to use it though as there is no way I am letting him go into the garden to poop, mainly because he doesn’t go in our garden anyway and he will be trying to get out and go elsewhere. This is a tough thing so bear with it and keep persisting. I have been told that it is a good idea to get 2 litter trays with different sorts of litter in each so as to give him a choice. My current choice is a non-clumping, non-dust paper pellets cat litter. My reason for choosing this is because I did not want to risk the gritty cat litter from cutting into his wound and making things more uncomfortable for him.
This evening, he did actually try to use the poop tray but no success, I imagine he may be a little bunged up do to the operation, the stress of it all and also the meds he is on. At least he did try.
MAKE SURE that you get your cat to drink water or some form of liquid as it aide’s recovery and keeps them hydrated. Mr Joshua does not want to drink any water since returning so we have managed to give him some lactose-free cream and also some chicken slices that we dipped in water so as to get some more water into him. Strangely, I found it better to use the cheaper chicken slices as they have more of a water content anyway. The more expensive ones have less water content, though obviously, more protein but my main goal for now is to get him to eat and drink, which is easier said than done when your pet has been through such a trauma.
Mr. Joshua’s little buffet in recovery. Notice lacto free milk;) Chicken Deli slices, Sheba, tuna and meds!
Even though I have a decent sized cage to keep him in, I have decided to let him wonder the house and start building his strength up. Your vet may say otherwise and it is too soon, but in my case, the alternative was that he was so highly stressed in the cage, pulling at the bars, trying to push his head through and just tipping everything over as he tried to get out, I made the decision to let him out as (in my situation anyway) this was not aiding in his recovery one bit, quite the opposite in fact.
By the end of the day, Mr. Joshua had actually gone upstairs a few times and though I had set up some boxes as steps, wrapped the boxes up in towels so that they were soft, he still jumped up onto the bed. I admit that I was shocked/scared/impressed, and probably a little terrified that he had hurt himself. Going up and downstairs a few times and jumping on the bed had completely tired him out. He ended up sleeping on the double bed with Jo and I was confined to the single bed in the spare room!! Of course, I was more than happy to give them both lots of room, and as I am bigger than Jo, I could have accidentally done Mr. Joshua more harm if I rolled or pushed him whilst I sleep.
That said, my sleep was by no means perfect as I have another cat called Mindy and she had decided to come into the spare room and kept jumping onto the bed and kneading into my chest with her front paws. I swear she used to be a pizza chef in a previous life!
04/05/2018 – Day 7
Wow, an entire week has passed by and I haven’t really had time to update this over the last few days, but it is pretty straightforward so I will keep it brief and simple.
The hardest parts are getting enough sleep as it can sometimes be like having a baby constantly wake you up during the night.
The problem is that I suffer from sleep apnoea so I don’t get proper sleep as it is and with the extra wake ups Mr. Joshua puts on me, my sleep pattern is completely ruined. This is my personal thing and hopefully others don’t have to contend with this also.
Everything seems to be healing as planned. The vet told me to keep Mr. Joshua confined and not have him wondering the house… SOME CHANCE OF THAT!
Saturday evening, he was already making his way upstairs and even jumped on the bed. I had tried to make him a step but he was not having any of it. Of course, it completely wore him out as he just collapsed and rested on the bed. Actually, this happened for the first day or so, each time he used the stairs, got to the top and then jumped on the bed, he was exhausted. BUT, the fact is that HE WAS going up the stairs and jumping on the bed which is a positive step forward.
One thing I would suggest to anyone going through this is to change your cats buster collar. The ones the vet gives are those hard’ish (is that even a word) plastic ones that your cat may struggle with when he/she puts her head down to rest. I did some research and found some blue material ones that have plastic within them but are a lot more forgiving when your cat wants to rest. I spoke to the vet about these and they had some in stock. Since changing Mr. Joshua’s buster collar, I can see a much more positive response from him as it is a lot more comfortable. Granted, he is resting more but that isn’t a bad thing as during rest, they heal quicker also, plus resting is easier with the new collar.
Just over a week since surgery
I must admit that it is quite stressful for a pet owner to see their cat go through this, and I have actually become tearful on quite a few occasions because of it. You may begin to doubt yourself and question if you did the right thing or not and this gets upsetting. I found that by giving him plenty of love and affection, plus spending as much time as I could with him, there were moments when he was purring again and his old self was coming out on occasion.
Also, if you have some free time, take their collar off and let them have some freedom without it. I am not talking about letting them wonder about the house, just let them sit on the bed or keep them in one room, feed them, pet them and try to play a little (not too rough, mind you) and let them see that things around them anyway, are as normal as possible. Something to bear in mind is that when you do eventually put the buster collar back on them, make sure that they don’t see it as a punishment, speak to your cat nicely and even give him/her a few treats after you have put it back on, and pet them a little.
NOTE: –Taking the collar off can cause you (not the cat) to get pretty anxious because you have to watch them 100% of the time as your cat WILL go for their stitches. This is perfectly understandable as all they want to do is give that area a good scratch, we would do exactly the same in their position. Only keep the buster collar off for as long as YOU can manage otherwise the anxiety will wear you out. Personally, if you can, I would suggest doing this as it gives your kitty a little more normality and I imagine, it helps with the healing process, definitely from a mental perspective 😊
Cone-free time much more relaxed
Each Day: – I noticed each day that Mr. Joshua was getting stronger and more vocal as he wants to go outside but obviously I cannot let him. It is great that he is getting stronger and back to his old self, but with this comes the headaches of constant angry meowing as he begs me to go outside. This can become quite a difficult thing to deal with for a pet owner so please be prepared for this and DO NOT get angry. I will admit that due to my sleeping condition and Mr. Joshua doing this, there was the odd moment where I was annoyed as it was happening even as I was eating and it was relentless. I had to walk away and get myself back together mentally.
IMPORTANT:– You do need your own “ME TIME” also otherwise you will be good to nobody, not your cat and especially not to yourself. If you can grab a few moments, even if it means nipping out and getting a coffee somewhere every now and then, then just do it as it will help you recharge also.
VERY IMPORTANT: – I found that with the stress of the operation, the medication and also the fact that Mr. Joshua is mainly an outdoor cat, he has not once used the litter trays provided for him. They have different litter in them so that he can choose which he prefers but he as only ever used it to pee. If you notice this happening and your cat hasn’t been to the toilet for a day or two, you MUST speak to your vet immediately as your pet may be constipated. I called the vets and they suggested a Lactulose Solution to help him go. Bear in mind that your cat needs to be drinking plenty of water to use a lactulose solution.
I took Mr. Joshua to the vets and they tried the enema to make him go but hardly anything happened. They mentioned that he seemed pretty blocked up.
The next day, I took him back to the vets as he still had not used the litter tray. This time I told them that I was leaving him with them and until he had been as I did not want to take him back home, only to come back again the next day. They agreed, so I nipped off for a coffee and within an hour, they called to say that he had been and (to put it politely) he had got rid of a lot and they were very happy, and so was Mr. Joshua 😊, so I picked him back up and took him home.
That was Tuesday – It is now Friday and I must admit that I have not seen him go potty, other than pee. He is drinking plenty of water but (today anyway) seems to have slowed down on his eating again. We are off to the vets again in the morning for another check-up and also, I will get him checked to see if he is still bunged up and if so, they will need to sort this out again.
It could be the medication or the fact that he never uses a litter tray as he has always gone outside.
All the above is very important as you really need to monitor your pets’ toilet habits, because if they are not going, then you need to be on the case and get them to the vets right away.
Re-iterate: –I mentioned above about having your “Me Time”, this is so important, especially if you are looking after your pet on your own. You need your breather time, however you choose to take it. Go into the garden with a hot drink and just chill for 30 minutes or hit a coffee house and chill out there. I can’t stress enough how important this it. Of course, if there are a few of you looking after your cat, then this may not be as important as you can take it in turns and run shifts on having a break.
A Week To The Day:
A week has gone passed and what I can say at this point is;
Expect to get tearful at times at seeing your loved pet going through this, but keep reminding yourself of the reasons he/she has had this procedure. It may not stop you getting tearful but it will help ease the pain. (It did with me)
Things get easier and more positive very quickly, especially after the first few days.
If your pet looks uncomfortable in their plastic buster collar, then consider a softer material one, like “KVP EZ Soft Pet Cloth Recovery Collar”, you can find them on Amazon (or any other site) or your vets may have them.
Consider purchasing the Feliway calming spray. This actually helped Mr Joshua stay calmer, and truth be told, I didn’t think anything would as he is such a headstrong stubborn cat, but it worked 😊
Try to give them supervised “no collar” time as it helps them feel like things are a little more normal, and when you do put it back on, pet them and give them a treat or two. Don’t make them feel like it is a punishment, as trust me on this, they will go for their stitches as it must itch them like crazy and it is not their fault.
Make sure that YOU are also refreshed and grab your breaks when you can as you being 100% is good for both of you.
Monitor their toilet habits and MAKE SURE that they are using the little tray. If not, get your cat to your vets and let them sort it out. Don’t leave this for a long time as it can be dangerous
Note: – Bear in mind that after you take your cats collar off, it may take them some time before they eat as they will still be a little worked up at having it on for so long. If this is the case, just spend some time loving your cat, talk softly, pet them, play with them GENTLY and let them see that everything is ok, then try to feed them. You may even end up feeding them by hand quite a lot.
Gio – Shares the things that have changed for them after the surgery :
I have learnt from all this is just how overprotective we become afterwards and how our pets end up running the house.
He gets tired more quickly and needs to rest a little more
He has come back with the odd little bruise/cut as I imagine that he may have fallen when on a fence, he is relearning his limitations.. This one is a tough one for any pet owner to witness, though they have to go through this so that they understand. The more times he has been out, the less it has happened.
I will not let him out at night, though on the odd occasion that I have (he is a feisty little pest at times when he wants to go to the toilet), and even though there is a litter tray in the house, I give him about 25 minutes and then go out to look for him.
They no longer wander off as far and have a smaller more local area.. On the plus side, easier to track down.
We as the owners, worry more about him going out, though I know he loves to go out and I can’t take that away from him.
The thing I noticed is that he sometimes almost slipped into a low state as he sat there and tried to feel sorry for himself. I said “tried” as I made sure to fuss him, play with him, wind him up a little so as to take his mind off things and this seemed to work. Even when I wind him up (tease him) he is still purring so I know it is working as he plays with me…
When I go out, I make sure that the radio is on with classical music playing in the background. Not sure if that helps but both cats seem ok with it.. What can I say, Mr Joshua likes high-brow music 😉
One important thing to bear in mind is that he can no longer use his back leg to scratch his neck and by his ear, so when I notice him trying (even though there is no leg), I always spend a little time scratching him under his collar, by his ear and gently against his ear, trying to mimic what he used to do, and he loves that very much.
Mr.Joshua asking for his biscuits!
(Purrkins Mom) How cute is that! OMC! Mr.Joshua you have your humans trained purrfectly:) LOVE IT😻😁
We can all relate to all of Gio’s emotions, thoughts, and concerns. You can clearly read how much Mr. Joshua is adored and cared for.
I believe we have more Osteosarcoma cases out there that we never hear about and not shared. I think it is important for us all to share our stories to give hope to someone else in the same shoes. Mr. Joshua is the same happy kitty minus a limb. He still goes outside even though it scares Gio.
We love seeing Mr. Joshu’s purrsonlity and knowing how well he is doing almost a year later! They will celebrate Mr.Joshua’s one year ampuversary 4/27/19!
Happy Ampuversary Mr.Joshua! Keep kicking C ’s arse!
Thank you Gio & Mr. Joshua for sharing all of this with us! It will indeed help someone else in the future!
Scratches to Mr. Joshua, please!
Next up will be River a tiny kitty who had an injury to his front right leg.
If you have an Osteosarcoma success story yourself, please take a minute to comment below. It would be very much appreciated. We all need hope on this journey.
We made this fun video attached below Tripawd Purrkins- Footloose to show you how Purrkins plays on three legs;) For people who are not aware or new here Purrkins does go for acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments every two months now or sooner if needed and has since his amputation. The duration depends on how Purrkins is doing. We wholeheartedly believe without our Dr. Matt chiro, acupuncture, immune support, supplements, and core strength, etc. Purrkins WOULD NOT thrive as he does. It is not cheap nor easy to do, but we make it happen.
We can without a doubt tell when he gets out of whack, and it’s no wonder. He still goes as if he has four legs when he plays and what choice do we have. We do our best to curtail his play but as you will see he is a crazy man on three on his own. This is Purrkins. We could never take away his play time with cats it’s not always easy to get them moving but get a wand toy, butterfly toy, kitty bonks or his favorite organic Q-tip’s ZOOM/ZOOM!
We do take all safety measures in the house he has traction (rugs) thru the house, and you will see in the video he hops to each rug! He does not jump off of the furniture he uses all of his steps. We don’t do long stretches of playtime. Purrkins gives it his all and takes a break. This video below is of MANY play sessions!
We still do our core strength exercises.
the meerkat pose (up/up’s) – stand for treats
balance pad
food puzzles
I work out for treats. please
I workout for treats
Mom says Up/Up’s and I stand
I stand on my 2 back legs
I massage Purrkins after each play session. He is still using his farabloc and knows when and where to find it! Every bit helps on top of seeing our Dr. Matt for acupuncture and chiro. Purrkins is on two legs a lot of the time as you can see in the video while using his core muscles most of the time.
We slowed some clips down to see Purrkins in action because he is so fast & AMAZING!
I hope this brings anyone watching a smile! He lights our world up every day!
Tripawd Purrkins – Footloose Video
Thanks, fur watching
NEVER leave a q-tip unattended with your cat! It’s not a safe toy! Purrkins loves the q-tips because they fly like prey and are easy for him to toss with one front leg! I never leave his side we play and throw the q-tip’s away afterward:)
Purrkins has been on three legs for two years and seven months. He is more active on three than his brother is on 4;) Tripawds do have more fun! We don’t endorse crazy this can take a toll & has. We do our best to balance things.
All that footwork is exhausting
Much slower paced FUN! Such a ham! He has no problem grabbing his toys with one arm:)
Huge thanks to a particular viewer for the prize!😘
Differently abled
Purrkins inspires us every day we are furever grateful we took that dang leg! He thrives on three! Disabled? Ha, NO WAY! DIFFERENTLY ABLED!
Nothing Wrong with Me!Sexy Saxton would be the Tuxedo cat on someones face;)if they said such things:) He is the best brother to Purrkins! We are blessed every day from these 2 special needs cats!
Until our next update, we will be hopping & zooming along, visiting three vets Traditional, Onco checkup (MSU) & Dr. Matt. We will be enjoying “living in the now” behind the scenes & celebrating our 3-year Ampuversary July 27th!
Prayers and lots of hope we keep on hopping on and never see the likes of you know what AGAIN!
There is a story to follow with these photos! Dumb arse me decided to have a photo shoot for the calendar this year.
I grabbed yarn to catch Purrkins attention, and of course, it worked cats love yarn & yes I know the dangers of yarn, and I am right there with him & within SECONDS Purrkins severed the yarn!
I nabbed that yarnCHOMP (see that is yarn, not a tooth)
I tried to get the yarn out of Purrkins mouth, but he SWALLOWED IT!
I gave Purrkins some egg lecithin (good for hairballs) and some coconut oil also good for hairballs praying the yarn would pass without a hitch. LITERALLY, I was terrified it would get hung up inside somewhere. I had the visual of surgery my nightmare!
I called the Vet right away, and they told me to try not to worry if Purrkins is acting fine and not throwing up or puking. HA easier said than done because I grabbed the yarn to play with Purrkins. 🙄😞
The office said it should pass in 3 days or 3 bowel movements! I was on poop dissection duty. After 3 poops still no yarn? Called the Vet again and the Vet gave the same advice as long as Purrkins is acting normal, pooping, not throwing up and eating normally don’t worry it shall pass if anything changes obviously we head to Emergency. Over a month of dissecting poop, no yarn EVER showed up?!?!?! It was 100 % wool yarn so I thought that might have been a plus. Where did the yarn go? It was not in the poop trust me GAH!
Here are some things I learned from what could have been a disaster
#1. Don’t play with yarn! DUH
#2. A linear object such as yarn, string, tinsel, or grass is hanging out of your cat’s rear end – CUT IT NEVER PULL IT. I had no idea? I have pulled grass from Saxton’s rear end before. We can cause damage by pulling it out!
#3. Do not try to pull a linear object out of their mouth it can be stuck on the tongue and or throat and cause damage. (again I did not know this)
It was instinct for me to open Purrkins mouth and try to get it out.
Purrkins had loads of fun AND was over the photo shoot both!
It appears we are in the clear now!? Wanted to share some of the great photos from our photo shoot.
Kitty Boinks and a lazy PurrkinsNOT yarn that can be severed. One of Purrkins special cat toys! (Purrkins – see my core strength:)It’s a birdie, and I got him, chompLoved this shot but you can’t tell Purrkins is a tripawd;)Hunting the chipmunks outside ignoring MomIs this over yet Mom?Exhausting all these picturesSo sweet and innocent;)The picture we decide upon for the calendar this year
Saxton still needs to have his very own photo shoot & we will get that done in November! He was snoozing thru these shots. Purrkins will not play when Saxton is around that is one thing that has changed since the amp we have to play separately.
Other than the yarn deal we don’t have much to report. Purrkins went for his 2-month acupuncture/chiro treatment, and that seems to be a better fit for him he was slightly off this time rather than being all out of whack.
Purrkins has had a hand full of phantom limb episodes again each time these have happened were after he was playing and racing around like a crazy kitty on 3. I wrapped him in his farabloc blanket, and the episodes do settle right down! Phew!
Classic upside down Mr. Purrkins;)
Hope everyone has a safe fun Howloween !
We went for our recheck bloodwork, x-ray, and urinalysis.
Mr. Purrkins is unremarkable ALL CLEAR. To refresh Oncology felt we could do our next six month follow up with our regular vet and we did! Purrkins did NOT get sedated for his x-rays when there is a will there is a way. We got our way;) Our Vet had no problem with our request he did Purrkins x-rays on his leg initially and commented then how great Purrkins did if only all animals would be like him;)He knows Purrkins.
The tech said she didn’t even need to be in the room “lay this way” he laid that way the purrfect patient! She rolled her eyes at sedating Purrkins Dr. Matt does the same an uncalled for risk with Purrkins. I am not saying all cats will do the same I don’t know. It should be based on each animal. Purrkins is unique in many ways, and WE KNEW he would be fine and just lay he is unlike any kitty I have met.If you believe your animal should not be sedated, please speak up and see if someone will listen and work with you. We have at MSU, and they will not budge. Purrkins will not be sedated again for an x-ray!
The vet took us back to show us the x-rays I expected to see Purrkins lungs not most of Purrkins! We were in awe! The traditional vet said the chest x-rays at MSU are chest x-rays our vet at a private practice ” we try to fit the most cat we can get in one.”
Since we got the all clear, we can appreciate the x-rays and all of Purrkins. WE DO know how fortunate we are!
We have never seen any of Purrkins x-rays at MSU.
Here are the x-rays it was helpful for our minds to see what was and what is now as far as the amputation goes. It was explained to us, but until you see it visually, it was a WOW.
I thought you guys might be interested in seeing them.
This picture shows you Purrkins no arm/no scapula which you can’t really see the scapula in this shot, but you will see that next. It looks as if Purrkins has always been this way or born that way neat.
This picture shows you how large the scapula is and was. I had no idea until seeing these. We never had a choice anyway but helpful to see now!
My arrows, not theirs;)
lungs & organs my arrows are showing you the remaining scapulalungs and organs and a ton of poop
This picture shows you TMI full of poop lol see the poop there? This is only funny because Purrkins never has an issue with pooping unlike his brother so we must have interrupted his schedule. As you can see, I point to all the things we were not looking at! Of Course, this was after he pointed out the lungs were clear! The vet did say IF we were to see metastasis of the lungs it would have a fluffy white appearance on the x-rays.
The vet went thru the entire x-ray each organ etc. it was an incredibly informative visit, he is excellent to take so much time with us! He said all looks great and sends off to a radiologist to confirm. We got the official news UNREMARKABLE.
The heart murmur is NOT heard since Purrkins had his dental and two teeth removed. It is pawsible it won’t be heard again.
Since we got so much of Purrkins in the X-ray, we won’t go back for eight months, and we will see MSU Oncology for that recheck. Our vet said in his experience this tumor and grade when the leg goes you don’t see it again! MSU is watching for any cancer that can sometimes come back in different forms. It may never too! 🙏
We will continue seeing Dr. Matt for our tune-ups. This appointment was so much easier on Purrkins than MSU. Purrkins was more worried about getting the alcohol off of him from the blood draw than anything else. We were there maybe an hour, and that was most of the time with Purrkins in my arms!We DID NOT have issues when we came home like we do when we go to MSU. Saxton had no problem with Purrkins smell and vice versa. Pleasant all around.
We saw Dr. Matt for our tune-ups and Purrkins was way off again. Mark and I could both see we were overdue to see Dr. Matt by Purrkins hop and I have a hard time describing what we see when he is on three. If you know your animals, hop you will know when it looks different. Dr. Matt suspects he jumped and landed wrong.We have eight pairs of steps in this house, and we still have landed wrong. UGH, constant worry to keep Purrkins leg and body safe.
This area has never been off before diagram below for anyone interested. The atlas is always out whack this is the first time in 2 years the lumbar 1 was off.
Purrkins let out a growl when Dr. Matt manipulated him and found what was painful there was no mistaking what the issue was. Dr. Matt followed with acupuncture Purrkins bounced back in a few days. We are so grateful to have Dr.Matt
Things get out of whack missing a leg we know Purrkins would not do as well without Dr. Matt. We go back in 2 months to see how things look instead of 3 months.
Purrkins favorite window seat had a malfunction we emailed customer service, and they sent replacement parts out right away he was not happy for a week. He sulked just like that! Pathetic
Mom where is my window seat?;(My place is back!Phew that was a bad dream
We were honored to be a part of such a huge project.
It is terrible when we have to join and lose a limb regardless of the cause but rest assured life goes on with three legs! The handbook hops you thru everything you need to know and more. I am pawsitive this book will help many new trikitties and their humans. Thanks to Jim and Rene, Spirit Jerry, WyattRay and all trikitty members for making this happen to allow us kitties to join! Fang and his Mom who started the first kitty blog Fang lives on thru all of us he will never be forgotten.
We would all be lost without Tripawds all the resources, the information the support and love!
We are furever grateful!
Reading the Cool Tips for Tripawd CatsSaxton is over all this talk of Purrkins;)
Until our next update think about howloween, we are;)
I can still go back to that day very easily I am sure all tripawd parents can relate it is a day we will never forget most of this journey are days we will always remember! When we dropped Purrkins off at MSU knowing we would be picking him up minus a limb and having the faith to do it, terrifying as you all know. Did we think we would be celebrating two years on three legs? Honestly, I stay HOPEFUL until the rug is pulled out from under me. If we don’t believe and have HOPE what IS the point of life? We hope and pray and do the best we can do, and no matter how much time we get it is a gift. Two years has been such a treasured gift I am emotional & teared up typing it. We plan on hopping on many, many, many more years, and my hope & prayer is Purrkins lives a normal trikitty life. God forbid this piece of 💩would ever come back we will NEVER regret our choice. Never. This cancer journey is a curse that comes with some blessings when we slow down and enjoy. We could not be more thankful EVERY day is a gift and each day after today will be. None of us are immortal! We all need to live this way with everyone in our lives. We never know what each day brings every day we get up and breathe is a gift.
I made a video to celebrate Purrkins 2 years on three a glimpse into those two years. Did I think Purrkins would do this well on 3? NOPE, he has surpassed anything we could have hoped for & then some! If you are new to this journey no matter what brings you here dreaded disease, injury, deformity you have to have hold on to what you believe is best for your furmily & hop on!
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
Make the dreaded decision and plow forward. Leap and have faith, hope & believe! Enjoy every day, no one knows how many calendar days we have tripawds, quads, bipawds, unipawds or humans. Make each day count! We won’t have regrets that way.
If you are new here, I included our first eight months video. It will give you a better picture of Purrkins journey.
We could not be more proud of Purrkins he is our tripawd hero!
We had a pawty for Purrkins a turkey fish cake (PetCakes) they make one for CATS I was so excited but skeptical as well because it was a microwave cake. Save your money! I should have listened to my instincts;) oh well how do you know unless you try right. I did have a backup plan just in case the PetCakes did not work, yep instincts we made MegaWheels Rockin Rollin Liver Cake minus the garlic the boys thank Auntie Clare & Meg they ROVE it! They were both licking the bowl. We froze some Whiskas cat milk for the occasion in cat ice cube trays too;)
Liver cakes they loved the petcakes I tossed!Megastars liver cake YUM! Thanks, Clare and Meg😘Whiskas cat cubes (sorta icecream)Mom and her hats! I would not look at the camera but I wore it cause I was a king for the day. 2 years really;)
We had never seen a three-legged animal until a year before Purrkins was diagnosed with cancer. We had deer show up she was likely hit by a car. We were not sure she would make it. We put food & water out for her every day to help her. One day she showed up with her fawn. Here she was pregnant the entire time. .
She did good on three, and the leg never took her. She was like clockwork the day she didn’t show up I looked all over the property for her no Momma deer. Then her fawn showed up alone we knew she was gone. Hunting season – someone took an easy shot. NOT on our property, we don’t allow hunting. Momma deer was a preview of life on three legs. Come to find out a year later.
This year we had a Mom Raccoon come up on the deck on three legs. I was sick what could have happened? She has babies if she dies the babies will die. Most rehabilitators don’t take raccoons & if they did, she would likely have been put down. Her best shot was here with her babies and possibly she might recover? If not I figured she would have chosen to stay here either way. I gave her the best chance I could. Food and water every day she would not have to go hunting for food hoping she could rest that leg some. I documented it to watch her progress. She was also like clock-work came every day 2 X a day for a meal I gave her human foods, cat foods, and bird seed. Guess what 17 days she is back on four legs with her cubs in tow. The moral of the story is ALL animals get around on however many legs they have. They keep going and hop on!
She did great, and just like our tripawds when they run on three, you would have never known anything was wrong with her Amazing to see all species hop on.
We have not had anymore phantom limb episodes since the last update we go back to Dr.Matt for our acupuncture tune-up and chiro in a couple of weeks.
Purrkins on his farablocOh Mom please not the camera again I’m busy hereBack to. my catnap >^..^<
We go for a recheck in Aug bloodwork and chest x-ray no sedation we are doing this one with our regular Vet and it will be sent to MSU. Will see you again for our next update. We are going to keep hopping on!
Lots of love and gratitude to you all! We are furever grateful and here is to many more ampuversary pawties!!