On my way back peeps

25 January 2021

I’m on my way back people see?!

I’m good people see?
Sorry, i scared you all.
I’m good. What is all the fuss about;)
I ruv to have my head propped up. I use my mum’s pillow all the time.
Back to my mouse hunting. I get Mum up to tell her I hear MY Mr. Mouse. Mum always obliges!

Yes, this is a version of US hoomans hehe YAAAAY, big hugs to you all!!

Thanks, fur all the love, support, prayers & fur reading!

We love you all!

More updates to follow.


Author: Purrkins

Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty. https://tripawds.circle.so/u/6f7c30d7

5 thoughts on “On my way back peeps”

  1. whooo hooo. We love to see this. Way to go Mr. Purrkins. Keep it up 🙂

    Michelle, Jazz, Chief and Angels Sassy, Bosch, Baby Simba and sweet Snickers

  2. Way to go. We love to see great updates. Keep going Mr. Purrkins.

    Michelle, Jazz, Chief, and Angels Sassy, Bosch, Baby Simba and Sweet Snickers

  3. Morning my Whispering Purrrkins and Sexy Saxton Joe! I just tried to comment on your latest blog Mr P, but i couldn’t find the “add a comment’ section, I’m as blind as two bats sometimes! Uuuugh!

    I Love that you Ruv your new doctors Mr P, you are one super lucky kitty! And your traveling voice is booootiful! I was singing right along with you “on the road again 🎵” 😁

    You’re doing exceptionally well my little darling and i am most proud of you all!! You are so blooming handsome!!! Oh and your hooomans dance… 😆 I can see it now!! 😂

    Sexy Saxton Joe, you’re a movie star buddy!! Saxton Joe Birdie, hehe, love it!! Make sure you talk to your manager about those voices that come out of nowhere when nopawdys home, be sure to stick your tongue out at the camera!! 😽

    Keep the updates coming buddy, this is a new experience for us all!

    Lots and lots of Ruv to you my little darlings and hugs to Mum and Dad please!

    Petra, Super Duper Stu, Chester in Charge, Loving Miss Lily, Talking Ted and Dear Spirit Spikey!

    1. Thanks for another heads up on the dang comment Mia box; Mum has repaired it again! I tell you the gremlins lately well…GRRR

      I ruv my new lady doc miss petra she gets us cats and gives me all sorts of ruv and attentions. She even sends mum emails or phones with rubs for ME; how lucky am I!?!?

      I told mum I could hear my aunt Petra and uncle Paul singing “”on the road again” what do you think?

      I’m working on growing out my new hairdo, aunt petra. What are these people thinking?!?! I look like a patchwork quilt these daze!

      Saxton here- I told the management that I ruv hearing them come thru that little box. It makes me feel less lonely, and they tell me when they are on their way back home. I wait at the window for them to come home. You know I prefer to stay home, so this is the best for me. I’m not traveling, Mr. P; he is the only kitty we know of who does travel, and he can keep that title;)

      We have a few more updates to do, and we will up to date and only pester you all on occasion again. We hope anyway. We like to pop in and say hi, and NOT have soooo many mews to share.

      Ruv you all
      thanks, fur reading and popping in; see you soon.😽
      Sexy Saxton, Joe Birdie, and Traveling Whispering Mr. P 😽😽💝💝💝

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