Taking a tic at a time

Overdue update

Hey Everypawdy, I sincerely apologize for this overdue update. It has been a brutal 6-7 months. Β I’m going to give a summary with the best part first! Purrkins is finally feeling better! He told me I better update the blog before we celebrate 5 YEARS ON THREE the 27th:)

Better update our peeps Mom
Better update our peeps Mom
See im good
Hey everypawdy im back
Ugh more pics- if you must

Our New Chapter

Our new chapter has not been brutal! For humans, it has been highly stressful, anxiety-producing, depressing, exhausting. Constantly watching and worry. For Purrkins, it’s been exhausting, not feeling well, whisker twitching, a few focal seizures & an unstable hop. Purrkins being highly whacked, wondering why his favorite peeps keep putting this better-tasting medicine down his throat.


Purrkins ended up not adjusting to the pheno dosage. Therefore Β Dr. R started to tweak his meds in February 13.13, and it continued as he told us in no uncertain terms he did not feel well, sleeping all the time, vomiting, not wanting to eat, he would not even get up to eat his meals. Lots of whisker twitching. His hop was concerning. I was looking at the QoL scale; we were scared to death! Dr. R had us come in for more bloodwork! This bloodwork revealed the pheno was in a toxic range, poisoning Purrkins.

Peak and Trough Blood levels-

Dr. R reduced Purrkins dosage to 12mg, and we returned in 2 weeks to recheck pheno levels. We went in for a double blood draw, a peak and trough level, which means going at 12 and 6:30 for Purrkins to be poked curbside. This shows her what the meds are doing in Purrkins body after his first dose and before his next dose. If the meds are in therapeutic range or in this case toxic. Recheck reveals Purrkins is STILL in toxic range.!!

This time she cut his dosage in half to 6.25 mg, and Purrkins rallied; he started to eat again and up to eat, asking to eat, playing you name it, a switch got flipped THANK HEAVENS & so far, no focal seizures on the lower dosage. Prayers this continues!


We returned for a double blood draw again after two weeks, and Purrkins is no longer in the toxic levels. PHEW

In my opinion, the dosage has been too high for Purrkins to have any life. It has been an awful six months of monitoring, watching, and anticipatory grief!

Good Mews, no spells (seizures) & QOL

To be able to update the blog with good Mews is a glorious day! Purrkins is happy to be himself. We would say he is 95% Purrkins on this dosage & NO seizures πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»! I’m NOT looking at that QOL list and worrying as I was. He is asking for food, up to eat his food, back to having some zoomies, playing. He has been outside in his tent to hunt the chipmunks and birdies. Back to his sun puddling and window seat and even allowed to venture out of our site a little;) I can sleep a little, but yes, I still hear anything and wake to make sure all is ok. This new chapter has taken a toll and getting used to for us all. I’m still not 100% comfy yet but, we have hope again.

Fresh air
Mom says I look like a kitty again:) in this pic
The best part is I’m a cat again and playing with my brother, Not helping Mom fold towels
My kitty bonks sill one of my favorites

Beyond Grateful

Only time will tell what each day will bring; in the meantime, we are all GRATEFUL to have moved out of the toxic stage and to have our Purrkins back! Dr. R has us documenting a day in the life of Purrkins to help him better. I send her a monthly log. She is a gem!

We just tweaked his meds again to a tad lower 6.3 mg, and now we see how this goes. We have a recheck on the 20th. I get to go into the clinic with Purrkins for the first time! He can show me around;)

We are hoping to keep checking each day off with fewer meds & no seizures. I never want to see Purrkins go thru this again, Ugh my prayers are constant.

Saxton helps with our prayers.

“Seizures are like Cancer”

Dr. Matt told us seizures are like cancer; they do whatever the bleep (he–) they want to do. I appreciate the honesty, but yeah, not what anyone wants to hear, but a need to know! Purrkins now gets acupuncture for seizures with his regular tune-ups for being a tripawd. Dr.Matt adds on a few different points.

I think the hardest thing with seizures is having zero control over the situation! Not being able to help Purrkins, watching Purrkins leave in his little eyes, wondering what comes next, having no idea what each day brings, will he have a seizure today? That’s the anxiety-provoking part. We are beyond thankful each day we see Purrkins be Purrkins! Hopefully one day we can close this chapter. BUT, if not, we are on a small dose, and Purrkins is doing well; he has a QOL, that’s what counts. We accept the now and keep moving forward,” a tick at a time.”

Hoppy/Happy 11th birthday

We celebrated the boy’s 11th bday a happy day! The boys got prizes and a little whip cream for their cake this year.

Ruv tissue paper
Happy Birthday
Bday prizes
Whip cream for cake YUM
Yum can I have some more, please

Next, we celebrate Purrkins 5 year ampuversary! Whoo-hoo! I was not sure we were going to get to our 5-year celebrations!Β We do not take a single day for granted!

Words of Wisdom “Take a tick at a time”!

Anyone here knows to savor every minute with our furry and human loved ones, and do our best to take each tick at a time! Sometimes that tick-tock of the clock is more than enough!

My Aunt Janice’s words of wisdom – ” take a tick at a time ” had a massive heart attack and died suddenly at home on June 25th. She is & will continue to be greatly missed by us all. I know she continues to be with us, helping us every day as she did in her earthly clothes. I will never forget her unyielding faith and wisdom. We Love & thank you, Janice, for all you have done for all of us! We will carry you in our hearts every day!

Some cute pics to closeΒ of the boys being brothers in the shared sun puddles;) Taking a tick at a time;)

you make a good pillow Saxton
Sun puddling
The world looks better upside-down sometimes:)

Thanks, fur reading, loving & caring!
Loads of love and appreciation from all of us at Purrkins Palace.

Author: Purrkins

Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty. https://tripawds.circle.so/u/6f7c30d7

7 thoughts on “Taking a tic at a time”

  1. Hey you guys! What a wonderful surprise and such a (mostly) HOPPY one too! I saw your headline and was like “Tick”? Who’s got a tick? Now I get it, and we have Aunt Janice to thank for that memorable expression. My heart goes out to you and your family, what a terrible loss. I’m so sorry Holly! She sounded like a great lady, and so wise. Must run in the family πŸ˜‰

    Thank you for taking time to update. This is terrific news, and something we need around here! Purrkins’ long, tough road he’s been on this year is one of those situations that shows people how patience and persistence pays off. You dotted all your “i’s” and crossed your “t”s to make sure you got some better outcomes, and you DID! So many people would have given up and lost hope but not you. Purrkins and Saxton are so fortunate to have you for a mom, and a great dad like Mark. We celebrate with you that there is no more toxicity in Purrkins and life is much better. He sure looks hoppy!

    It’s hard to believe they are 11! They look so young and vibrant. Please give them extra scritches from us, and we’ll be waiting to see how you guys celebrate FIVE years on THREE!!! Can’t believe it. WOW!!!!

    With lots of love & hugs,
    Rene, Jim, Angels Jerry & Wyatt

    1. Thanks, Rene,😘
      It is a ticky year, a banner year for those ticks πŸ•·here anyway:)

      Yes, my Aunt Janice, many words of wisdom take a tick at a time.
      It is a massive loss for our family. Janice also helped us with our decision-making on whether to take Purrkins leg. Another angel sent back home!

      We don’t give up on our peeps! There is a time to fight and a time to surrender. Thankfully this was not our or Purrkins time to make that decision! Having Dr. R right here makes all the difference. She has Purrkins QOL first and has proven that to us! Knowing Purrkins and this medicine, I was confident it was the meds but had no idea toxic until that came back. It’s been another learning process! It is a scary drug! I’m so thankful Mark has been home thru all this!

      Yep, FIVE years on 3 and thankfully, now on the low dosage, you would never know it;) We have no big plans, you guys. We will be celebrating 5 years on 3 & Purrkins surviving all this with all of you! It’s a celebration each day! We will have a few prizes, treats, and photos, and thankful to be;)
      Extra Scritches delivered.

      Loads of love and spirit kisses to Wyatt woof and Jerry!

  2. Omc it is SO good to hear from you! I read once on my cell at work and had to wait to read again when I got home. I have never, ever heard of a pet getting toxic amounts of phenobarb…. wholly crap how scary is that?!?! He must be very sensitive to the drug is all I can possibly think, and thank God he has you and Mark for pawrents. No matter what happens in your lives, you are always so in tuned and in the present to the boys needs, health, and behavior. They are so very fortunate to have you guys!
    I am so relieved that they were able to get a dosage that is not toxic and still no seizures. I do remember that weaning off can be tricky so thank goodness you are also getting gold standard medical care.
    My condolences for your loss. I know this is a huge one. I also know that spiritually you will never, ever be apart. I am sending you huge hugs, so very sorry that this happened. At least she was spared and went quickly, for whatever that is worth. It is so hard to lose a loved one, but it is even harder if they have to suffer. Hard to lose so quick, but for her it was the way we would all want to cross if we had a choice. I know she will always be in your heart, and others will learn from you what she taught you. They already have.. I know I have.
    I love your photos! I don’t think I could ever get tired of seeing your beautiful boys so full of life and love. I just can’t express in words how relieved I am that you are finally on the brighter side of this ride from hell. Seems like it took forever to get here!!
    I have thought of you often and every time I do I am usually in the middle of work and don’t have the opportunity to reach out. We will have to catch up soon πŸ™‚
    I look forward to your ampuversary celebration!
    Sending love and hugs always, with some extra chin scratches for the boys πŸ™‚
    Jackie and Huck

    1. Thanks, Jackie, 😘
      Nor do we wish to know! But, yes, it is a scary drug, and why it’s rechecked, it can become toxic. And scarier vets recheck every six months unless the dosage change or they have break thru seizures. Purrkins had his levels checked two times January, April, May & June, so yes, scary! They were good. Then they weren’t. I’m getting them rechecked for peace of mind this recheck. It is terrifying to give this medicine. I now know what to watch for. I’d love to see Purrkins be able to get off of it, but we will take each day as it comes. Less is more, for sure.

      Purrkins is on a tiny dose compared to what he was on & no spells. HUGE relief! Purrkins is Purrkins on this dose!πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸ»

      I’m confident to say Janice would say the same it is better to go quickly and no lingering/suffering. Just so sudden, with no warning, she just got a clean bill of health from the doc.

      “brighter side of this ride from hell.
      “YES, EXACTLY!! This human is haggard Purrkins is not;)

      Extra scritches delivered!

      Loads of love right back to you and scritches and kisses to the furmily, please!

  3. So happy to hear from you! I can only imagine the stress of all of this and the toll it is taking on all of you. I’m glad you’re getting the dosage figured out – such a fine line to walk. And sorry to hear about your beloved Aunt….you know she is watching over you and the boys. The pictures are amazing! I love the brotherly love that shines through in them. A mother never lets her guard down, but I hope you will be able to relax a little in the days to come. Give those cuties a big smootch from me and the terrorists!

    Paula and Warrior Angels Nitro and Kodi (and the Terrorist Tots too)

    1. Thanks, Paula😘
      That is what the vet said a delicate balance on this med.

      Janice is showing us she is still with us! That helps.

      It is not often we get the boys in one photo, so I cherish each one we do get;)

      We are night and day from where we were, thank heavens! Exactly our guard never goes down! Purrkins being himself & on a roll of no spells allows us all to relax. PHEW

      Smooches to both the boys delivered, please smooch the terrorist tots for us! Spirit kisses to Nitro and Kodi!

      Loads of love to you all!

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