Diagnosis Summary of Evaluation – 21 January 2021

Diagnosis/Summary of Evaluation –21 January 2021

We received Purrkins diagnosis/summary from Dogwood today; we are UNLIKELY and could not be more thankful – Idiopathic Epilepsy.

Thank you for referring “Purrkins” to Dogwood Veterinary Referral Center for evaluation. 

Below is a summary of our evaluation and recommendations. 

Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions about this case.

Patient: “Purrkins,” DMSH, male neutered, 6/30/2010

Veterinarian: Riverside Cat Hospital

Clinical Diagnosis: Seizures

History: Onset of focal seizures that have responded to initiating phenobarbital therapy. Purrkins is currently on 15mg phenobarbital every 12 hours.

Neurologic Exam:

– Mentation: Alert and responsive

– Cranial nerves: Normal

– Gait/Posture: Ambulatory with a normal gait

– Postural reactions: Intact in all limbs

– Spinal reflexes: Intact in all limbs

– Muscle tone: Normal in all limbs

– Pain perception: Intact in all limbs

– Spinal pain: None detected

– Neuroanatomic Localization: No identifiable neurologic deficits

Diagnostics: MRI: No macrostructural abnormalities.

Spinal Fluid Analysis: Normal white blood cell count and protein concentration.

Assessment/Plan: The lack of significant changes noted on MRI and CSF analysis allows us to feel comfortable continuing to manage Purrkins’s seizures with phenobarbital, knowing there is not anything else that needs to be treated. 

Please have phenobarbital level checked 2 weeks after increasing the dose to 15mg every 12 hours. 

Also, please keep us updated on his status.

Medications: Phenobarbital (15mg tab): 1 tab every 12 hours

Recheck: As needed. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns.


Andrew Isaacs, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Neurology)


Purrkins is still not 100% YET. Dr. Isaacs was not concerned as long as Purrkins is improving, which he is! Not as quick as I would have thought or liked BUT add in the higher dose of Pheno Purrkins has not adapted to yet, plus anesthesia!

He said older kitties 🙀could take longer to come out of the anesthesia!

Purrkins is ten years & seven months young, Mature;)

How old is our cat?

Purrkins is eating not like usual; I can coax him by hand feeding or using one of our staples for times like these. Gerbers Stage 2 Chicken & Gravy baby food!

Num, Num

Drinking, grooming, no pain signals! All the things we watch for. Purrkins hop is a wobbly hop from all the meds. We won’t let him do his pet steps or real steps yet. Not worth the chance. 

I am syringing water & tuna water. I’m hoping to help flush these meds out of his system quicker.

Purrkins rested most of today!

resting is healing

Furnace people came today.

– Parts will take 3-5 days before they can start. Mark ordered us more pellets. He can pick those up tomorrow and do a curbside pick up at TSC with the truck;) no contact etc., plus a couple of space heaters. We dress warmer and make due:) 

Thanks, everyone again; we will keep you posted!

We look forward to reporting Purrkins IS BACK 100% and zooming thru the house: ).


From all of us at the cool Purrkins Palace;)


More updates to follow.


Author: Purrkins

Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty. https://tripawds.circle.so/u/6f7c30d7

2 thoughts on “Diagnosis Summary of Evaluation – 21 January 2021”

  1. thank you for keeping us informed about Purrkins. Sending lots of healing vibes and hugs

    Michelle, Jazz, Chief & Angels Sassy, Bosch, Baby Simba and sweet Snickers

    1. Thanks, Michelle!

      I responded the other day to your comment, and poof, it is not here.?

      I am not in my haze, and I know i posted a comment. Oh dear, the gremlins are still hassling me, it appears.

      We appreciate it, Michelle. We are absorbing all the healing & love!
      Thanks, fur reading

      BIG HUGS i hope your managing ok.
      ( I will be double-checking this comment appears ) it has✅😘

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