Hoppy Howloween and Lessons Learned

Hoppy Howloween

Dr. Purrkins on call
Bat kitty Saxton

There is a story to follow with these photos! Dumb arse me decided to have a photo shoot for the calendar this year.

I grabbed yarn to catch Purrkins attention, and of course, it worked cats love yarn & yes I know the dangers of yarn, and I am right there with him &  within SECONDS Purrkins severed the yarn!

I nabbed that yarn
CHOMP (see that is yarn, not a tooth)

I tried to get the yarn out of Purrkins mouth, but he SWALLOWED IT!

I gave Purrkins some egg lecithin (good for hairballs) and some coconut oil also good for hairballs praying the yarn would pass without a hitch. LITERALLY, I was terrified it would get hung up inside somewhere. I had the visual of surgery my nightmare!

I called the Vet right away, and they told me to try not to worry if Purrkins is acting fine and not throwing up or puking. HA easier said than done because I grabbed the yarn to play with Purrkins. 🙄😞

The office said it should pass in 3 days or 3 bowel movements! I was on poop dissection duty. After 3 poops still no yarn? Called the Vet again and the Vet gave the same advice as long as Purrkins is acting normal, pooping, not throwing up and eating normally don’t worry it shall pass if anything changes obviously we head to Emergency. Over a month of dissecting poop, no yarn EVER showed up?!?!?! It was 100 % wool yarn so I thought that might have been a plus. Where did the yarn go? It was not in the poop trust me GAH!

Here are some things I learned from what could have been a disaster

#1. Don’t play with yarn! DUH

#2. A linear object such as yarn, string, tinsel, or grass is hanging out of your cat’s rear end – CUT IT NEVER PULL IT. I had no idea? I have pulled grass from Saxton’s rear end before. We can cause damage by pulling it out!

#3. Do not try to pull a linear object out of their mouth it can be stuck on the tongue and or throat and cause damage. (again I did not know this)

It was instinct for me to open Purrkins mouth and try to get it out.

Purrkins had loads of fun AND was over the photo shoot both!

It appears we are in the clear now!? Wanted to share some of the great photos from our photo shoot.

Kitty Boinks and a lazy Purrkins
NOT yarn that can be severed. One of Purrkins special cat toys! (Purrkins – see my core strength:)
It’s a birdie, and I got him, chomp
Loved this shot but you can’t tell Purrkins is a tripawd;)
Hunting the chipmunks outside ignoring Mom
Is this over yet Mom?
Exhausting all these pictures
So sweet and innocent;)
The picture we decide upon for the calendar this year

Saxton still needs to have his very own photo shoot & we will get that done in November! He was snoozing thru these shots. Purrkins will not play when Saxton is around that is one thing that has changed since the amp we have to play separately.

Other than the yarn deal we don’t have much to report. Purrkins went for his 2-month acupuncture/chiro treatment, and that seems to be a better fit for him he was slightly off this time rather than being all out of whack.

Purrkins has had a hand full of phantom limb episodes again each time these have happened were after he was playing and racing around like a crazy kitty on 3.  I wrapped him in his farabloc blanket, and the episodes do settle right down! Phew!

Classic upside down Mr. Purrkins;)
Hope everyone has a safe fun Howloween !

Love & Purrs to you all!


Author: Purrkins

Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty. https://tripawds.circle.so/u/6f7c30d7

20 thoughts on “Hoppy Howloween and Lessons Learned”

  1. Oh my gosh oh my cat oh my dog! LOVE this post!

    Purrkins and Saxton WIN the costume contest paws-down, the BEST EVER! Where on earth did you find the getups? Too darn cute.

    That is such a crazy situation about the yarn! Shocking! But thank cat he is just fine. I don’t blame you for being worried that whole time. Wyatt Ray could probably swallow an entire ball of yarn and nothing will happen to him (oh shoot I just jinxed myself!), but a tiny kitty? WOW that can do crazy damage. I’m soooo glad things turned out OK. Oh and that you got so many great photos too. WOW! What a great photographer you are.

    I can’t wait to see Saxton’s glamour shots!

    Thanks for the update Holly, your blogs are always a treat. Hoppy Howloween back at ya!

    1. HEHE
      Thank you 😽 😻Amazon of course;) They are the best kitties.

      I know what a self-induced nightmare! Thankfully it appears we are fine! Purrkins never skipped a beat.

      I did not read that! You didn’t write that! hehe, Let’s not push Wyatt’s luck. At least you did not dangle objects in front of Wyatt’s face! UGH, Dumb arse award goes to moi!

      Thanks on the photos we had fun until the yarn went down the hatch;)


  2. Thanks for telling my people not to pull things out of my butt or my mouth!

    Not only is it insulting for them to do that, but haha now I can eat whatever I want and if it’s halfway in or out, they have to let me finish it myself. Wheeee!!!!

    1. Wyatt, I knew you would understand!
      I ate some yarn what’s the big deal? Mom put in front of my face what does she expect me to do but chomp it? We went from playing to Mom prying my mouth wide open! She was checking my rear end for weeks. I ate the yarn remember why is she looking at my butt?!?! Silly humans, what’s the matter with them anyway?

      Purrkins Mom here WyattRay NOOOO that doesn’t mean you are allowed to eat more cleaning cloths k;) Your a lucky dawg things come out entirely! Let’s not push our luck k?

  3. I was almost sick as i read what happened. I have been in the middle of too many obstruction surgeries 🤢
    Knowing you though, the yarn was probably 100% cotton or wool and organic. He probably digested it and broke it up. Thank goodness … sigh of relief. You are right, no matter how much restraint it takes never, ever pull. And i know it’s your first instinct because i have been there lol.
    Big hugs, i am relieved for you.
    Somebody on the other side of the bridge was watching over you all.
    Big hugs to you and chin scratches to your beautiful fur babies.
    Oh, and Happy Halloween 🎃
    Jackie and Huckster ❤️

    1. Thanks, Jackie,
      That is where my head went for a month!!
      Yea, I had no idea until this happened on the pulling of things it is instinct.

      It was 100 % undyed wool hehe:) I think that was a plus & the egg lecithin may have dissolved it, that was the hope when I gave it to Purrkins but, I honestly have no idea, and so thankful Purrkins never skipped a beat. We had many many prayers said & answered. I agree we had many watching over us on this one.

      Scratches will be given!

      Chin & ear scratches to your crew too, please!

  4. Great pictures! I know nothing about cats – this was a very informative and humorous post, thanks for brightening my day!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

    1. Glad we could brighten your day Paula! Thanks on the photos and you know some things about cats now;)
      Spirit birthday kisses to Nitro & Love to your trio!

  5. I thought you were just good with a camera, lol (which you are) … but I see it. Those eyes are like the eyes of an old soul who is very wise. Anyhow, they really stand out. So very glad for all of you that there was a happy ending.

    1. Your welcome I hope you never need them 😑but yep good to know.

      Thanks on the boys and the pic’s! The costume pictures and the last picture on this post are my cellphone.

      All the other pictures on this post are with a real camera DSLR Canon EOS Rebel.

      Scratches to Jet and Jery, please.

  6. Oh my gongases Purrrkins!!! I absolutely Ruv your Doctors costume! You look absolutely Purrrfect!!!♥️🎗👨‍🔬😽🎗♥️
    And Saxton you look so very Sexy in those Bat wings, i bet they are helping you perform your little CatBurglary antics!!! ♥️😼🙀🦇😻♥️ We are all looking forward to seeing your Sexy Saxton pictures!
    Miss Holly, you are one of the most diligent and absolutely brilliant Cat Mom’s!!! Both you and Mr Purrrkins acted on instinct… yours was to tease the Kitty with a piece of string, purrrfectly natural right?! Well the same goes for Mr Purrrrkins… how could he resist that lovely piece of string… Mmmmm! A Catssss favorite!!!
    Some people say that hindsight is useless, but i say it is Priceless! We all get to learn an invaluable lesson! Thank you for sharing this with us Miss Holly, we all know that it was an incident that could happen to any one of us! I know i have had my fair share of Poop Inspection Daze!!!
    Well done for staying in touch with your vets, to be sure to have them on alert, just in case anything went wrong with our Whispering Purrrkins!!
    Absolutely brilliant pictures! Your furbabies are beautiful inside and out!! I love the picture you have picked out for Purrrrkins Calendar page! Super Striking!!!
    They both look super healthy! Your doing a fantastic job with maintaining their weights , i am in the sssslllloooowwww process of getting Teddy’s weight down to an acceptable level for a Bear🐈🐻! He is such a Pigger 🐖🐈!!!
    Lots of cuddles and chin rubs and nose kisses to those beautiful Little Big Fellas please!

    1. Thanks, Aunt Petra!!

      The new arms and bat wings are helping us both break into the kitchen looking for food. We are starving!!
      Mr. Whisperig Purrkins and Sexxxy Saxton😘

      Thank you Petra yes we both acted on instinct I don’t blame Mr. Purrkins at all. This was all my doing and thank god Mr. Purrkins did not have an issue. I was tortured for this if something would have happened I could have never lived with myself!! Trust me I aged plenty over this one. It is priceless and phew.

      The diets are ongoing they still get tweaked! You might get to stand still and need to tweak again.🙄I hope not for Teddy’s sake he will get there it is a loooooonnnnggggg grueling process cause they have to remind us they are starving! We have to hear about it all the time & then we have break-ins to the kitchen thinking they can help themselves 🙀

      Dr. Matt changed our food to double calories which was torture for us all. I think we have them dialed back in weigh-ins tell the story.

      Glad you liked our choice for the calendar. Sexy Saxton will show his stuff this month;)

      Cuddles, chin rubs and nose kisses have been given; please give the same to Stewie, Spikey, Chester, Miss Lily and starving Teddy.


  7. HOW DID I MISS THIS???? OMC!!!! I saw where Jackie gave a new kitty member the link. Just for grins, I clicked on to make sure I hadn’t missed any of your posts…..and sure enough, I did!!

    Actually, I do remember reading it and looking at all these great pictures of our beloved Purrkins. I wanted to reply when I had a minute to really focus on this great… .er….”yarn” of a story!!!

    Not much else to say at rhis point, although Wyatt’s response deserves a LMAO five stars!

    Purrkins realky is a very, very handsome fella’ and has learned to love the camera! He’s quite the ham!! And his Halloween outfit, along with Saxton’s…BRILLIANT!!

    Lots and lots of love to all😚🤗😊

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Hi Sally
      I’m not sure Purrkins loves the camera hehe He does love to play, and if treats or toys or er yarn (never again) are involved I have a chance at some shots;) & thankfully we diverted an emergency.

      With all you have going on at home, I am not surprised you missed it or didn’t get time to post we are always happy to hear from you thank you!

      My computer was in being repaired, but I would have a notification if anyone posted on the blog. I’m glad Jackie sent them over We are always happy to help.

      I hope Super dawg Frankie & Myrtle & the rest of your crew are doing well!!
      Please give them smooches from us
      Loads of love!

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