Purrkins TWO YEAR Ampuversary

We celebrated Purrkins


Cancer Survivor Two years & hopping on!

I can still go back to that day very easily I am sure all tripawd parents can relate it is a day we will never forget most of this journey are days we will always remember! When we dropped Purrkins off at MSU knowing we would be picking him up minus a limb and having the faith to do it, terrifying as you all know. Did we think we would be celebrating two years on three legs? Honestly, I stay HOPEFUL until the rug is pulled out from under me.  If we don’t believe and have HOPE what IS the point of life? We hope and pray and do the best we can do, and no matter how much time we get it is a gift. Two years has been such a treasured gift I am emotional & teared up typing it. We plan on hopping on many, many, many more years, and my hope & prayer is Purrkins lives a normal trikitty life. God forbid this piece of 💩would ever come back we will NEVER regret our choice. Never. This cancer journey is a curse that comes with some blessings when we slow down and enjoy. We could not be more thankful EVERY day is a gift and each day after today will be. None of us are immortal!  We all need to live this way with everyone in our lives. We never know what each day brings every day we get up and breathe is a gift.

I made a video to celebrate Purrkins 2 years on three a glimpse into those two years. Did I think Purrkins would do this well on 3?  NOPE, he has surpassed anything we could have hoped for & then some!  If you are new to this journey no matter what brings you here dreaded disease, injury, deformity you have to have hold on to what you believe is best for your furmily & hop on!

When life is a bitter pill to swallow

You gotta hold on to what you believe

Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow

Make the dreaded decision and plow forward. Leap and have faith, hope & believe! Enjoy every day, no one knows how many calendar days we have tripawds, quads, bipawds, unipawds or humans. Make each day count! We won’t have regrets that way.

If you are new here, I  included our first eight months video. It will give you a better picture of Purrkins journey.

We could not be more proud of Purrkins he is our tripawd hero!

We had a pawty for Purrkins a turkey fish cake (PetCakes) they make one for CATS I was so excited but skeptical as well because it was a microwave cake. Save your money! I should have listened to my instincts;) oh well how do you know unless you try right. I did have a backup plan just in case the PetCakes did not work, yep instincts we made MegaWheels Rockin Rollin Liver Cake minus the garlic the boys thank Auntie Clare & Meg they ROVE it! They were both licking the bowl. We froze some Whiskas cat milk for the occasion in cat ice cube trays too;)

Liver cakes they loved the petcakes I tossed!
Megastars liver cake YUM! Thanks, Clare and Meg😘
Whiskas cat cubes (sorta icecream)
Mom and her hats! I would not look at the camera but I wore it cause I was a king for the day. 2 years really;)

We had never seen a three-legged animal until a year before Purrkins was diagnosed with cancer.  We had deer show up she was likely hit by a car. We were not sure she would make it.  We put food & water out for her every day to help her. One day she showed up with her fawn. Here she was pregnant the entire time. .

She did good on three, and the leg never took her.  She was like clockwork the day she didn’t show up I looked all over the property for her no Momma deer. Then her fawn showed up alone we knew she was gone. Hunting season – someone took an easy shot. NOT on our property, we don’t allow hunting.  Momma deer was a preview of life on three legs. Come to find out a year later.

This year we had a Mom Raccoon come up on the deck on three legs. I was sick what could have happened? She has babies if she dies the babies will die. Most rehabilitators don’t take raccoons & if they did, she would likely have been put down.  Her best shot was here with her babies and possibly she might recover? If not I figured she would have chosen to stay here either way. I gave her the best chance I could. Food and water every day she would not have to go hunting for food hoping she could rest that leg some. I documented it to watch her progress. She was also like clock-work came every day 2 X a day for a meal I gave her human foods, cat foods, and bird seed. Guess what 17 days she is back on four legs with her cubs in tow. The moral of the story is ALL animals get around on however many legs they have. They keep going and hop on!

She did great, and just like our tripawds when they run on three, you would have never known anything was wrong with her  Amazing to see all species hop on.

We have not had anymore phantom limb episodes since the last update we go back to Dr.Matt for our acupuncture tune-up and chiro in a couple of weeks.

Purrkins on his farabloc
Oh Mom please not the camera again I’m busy here
Back to. my catnap >^..^<

We go for a recheck in Aug bloodwork and chest x-ray no sedation we are doing this one with our regular Vet and it will be sent to MSU.  Will see you again for our next update. We are going to keep hopping on!

Lots of love and gratitude to you all! We are furever grateful and here is to many more ampuversary pawties!!


Author: Purrkins

Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty. https://tripawds.circle.so/u/6f7c30d7

33 thoughts on “Purrkins TWO YEAR Ampuversary”

  1. Way to kick butt Purrkins. We are all very proud of you. I loved both videos. I am glad you included the 8 month one so the newer people could see your journey.

    I loved the kitty ice cream 🙂 And Meg’s liver cake. I guess I need to be making some for the girls birthday in August 🙂

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    1. Thank You, Michelle!
      The boys loved both;) I would highly recommend making the liver cake for the girls birthday! They will love it! It was a bloody smoothie before going into the pan a little gross hehe, but for the boys, I will make them anything! It is a keeper recipe one to keep making that’s for sure. I froze a good part of it too.
      Lots of love to you and the girls😘 Spirit kisses to Sassy

  2. Oh happy happy birthday to you, Purrkins. 😀 And I absolutely love the treats that you made, I’m going to have to start making some here too. 😀

    Tiffany, RR Jake, Tetrapod and the foster crew (currently 3)

    1. Thanks, Tiffany
      The kitties will love both treats! The Whiskas cat milk lasts longer that way I should have done that years ago;) Give the liver treats a go they are a huge hit here, they also can be frozen. I hope your foster Siren is still doing ok? Let me know please have had fingers and paws crossed!
      Give the kitties scratches from us, spirit kisses to Tripod😘

      1. I will break out the liver and see how it does. 😀 I know they like the liver flavored cat food they get.

        Siren is panleuk negative, but ended up getting a vicious eye infection from the stress of it all. We’ve been on a 4x per day, 3 eye drop medication routine here that’s been pretty exhausting for the past three weeks. But her eye is almost healed, and I’m just hoping that she can catch a break! She has to go in tomorrow to surgery because she might have a hernia from her spay. 🙁 But otherwise she’s a very happy and purr filled little catten who has run of the basement now. 🙂

        Caithe, my tripod foster, is recovering from her spay and she’s going to be going to a forever home with the adopters of another of my tripod fosters. 😀

        Sun, AKA Grandma Houdini the almost tripod, has been a super sweet companion kitty for the past few months. Our shelter just ran a feature of her on our main public FB page, and she has some applications in now too. 😀

        I’m working on writing an update, but with the medication schedule and scheduling my life in 5-6 hour increments for weeks, I’m a bit behind on putting that up.

        1. Oh, my that’s a massive eye infection three meds glad to hear she is healing up and will keep paws and fingers crossed for tomorrow’s surgery. She is catching breaks she has YOU that was one break, and the eye is healing 2 and negative for the panleuk is HUGE total three breaks! More to come🤞🏻🙏🐾

          Great on Caithe she found her furever home quick! Grandma Houdini, I am so pleased to hear she has applications now I was worried she might have a harder time being older! She looks like a typical ginger/orange tabby lover! She will change someone’s life!

          Sounds exhausting and the updates will wait to take care of all your kitties and resident kitties and don’t forget to take care of yourself too ok!

          You are soon going to have all your fosters in furever homes and have months off to recoup and regroup for the next intake to rescue and rehome. Be proud I know it was rough with the losses, but you helped them not suffer and showed them love they would have never known. You are and will continue to make a positive difference for cats!! Thank you for the update and for all you do for cats!!
          Get some rest when you can!

          1. Yeah, the first 2.5 weeks we were trying to treat with antibiotics, before she got switched to antivirals and then she started showing improvements. I was really thinking she was going to end up losing that eye, so while we are super exhausted from the medication schedule (eye drops have to be given 5-10 minutes apart, and Siren is fractious when it comes to medications), I am so glad that we managed to find the treatment that works. And she doesn’t have a hernia, so she didn’t have to have surgery today!!! So happy. She’s just such a sweet girl and always always purring, and now has a massive playful streak, and I just want her to have a good and easy life.

            She’s high energy and loves to play with all sorts of toys, and the tripod that she’s joining (Frieza from my previous posts), is the same. 🙂 They will be an excellent pair, and Frieza’s adopters are my absolute favorite. Even if that hadn’t worked out, I had two other people in line and I hadn’t even really advertised her yet! She’s very sweet and such a stunning looking cat. We suspect she’s a Singapura (basically a Singapore domestic house cat). I’ve no idea what circumstances lead to her becoming a stray, but she’s certainly the most unusual one I’ve run into at the shelter so far.

            I’ve had Grandma Houdini since April, with basically no one showing interest and she’s not an event-capable cat (far too much stress involved for her), so I’m really glad that the shelter could get her on the promotion schedule. She’s got two applications pending right now, so I hope to have some meet and greets soon. 🙂 She really is the absolute best companion cat. She spends her days perched on the bed, keeping me company while I work and at night while I sleep. She’s got an upset stomach and she’s been on I/D food since last week, so sadly I need to bring her into the shelter to have the vet look at her and see if anything else could be causing the issue. Hopefully it’s just something random.

            It helps that my roommate is also a foster/BARCS volunteer, so we alternate the medication schedule, but even with that it’s definitely been a lot. Siren was supposed to be a temporary two week foster, as we normally won’t do more than two fosters at a time, so we’ve been stretched pretty thin on the time front.

            I’m trying to do my best to fit the me time in there, and once Caithe is out of the playpen (I’m keeping her in there for the 3 days she’s on painkillers following her spay), things will get easier since she’ll have our resident boys to play with. 🙂

            I’m planning on taking a week or two of a break after everyone goes to their forever homes, but sadly there are always more kitties in need of help. In addition to being the tripod gal, I’m also an experienced medical foster at this point. While I can’t take anymore litters due to the panleuk quarantine, when I take adults I free up shelter space and clear space for another foster to take home kittens during kitten season. I might aim for an extended break in Oct/Nov after this season ends, though.

            Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m still struggling with the loss of the kittens, but I am happy that we could give them love for a little while. And that we can take good care of their momma. Tripod is probably a bit salty that I sent her some stinky kittens, but I imagine that she’ll take them under her stub never the less.

            <3 <3 <3

            1. Siren is fractious lol most kitties are with meds;)hehe I have one fractious and one who is not cat like to medicate.

              Yaay no hernia = NO surgery break #4!! She is going to have a great life you have seen to that already!

              I am keeping paws and fingers crossed for Grandma to have a successful meet and greets and easy solution to the belly issues & she finds her purrfect furever home!! We have had our share of belly issues with Purrkins brother Saxton. !! You know it is not common for an orange kitty to be a girl she is exceptional I have no doubt!

              Ok did not realize you can still take adult kitties in I figured you would be off for all new incoming for six months.

              You did give them love they would not have had otherwise and as terrible as it is you saved them from suffering that is a gift as well one of the hardest to give! I am sure Tripod has taken them under her paws, and in my vision, our tripawds regain that leg when they cross over;) They are renewed back to their ultimate health. No stinky kittens either:) just how I believe and imagine things. Take whatever time you can get for you all these kitties, tripawds and others they need you well to continue your work.

              Let us know when Grandma finds her furever home. I would take her if the boys would allow it but they have issues lol!

              1. Oh absolutely, but Siren is on a whole nother level. I feel less bad about struggling when vet techs have a hard time with her too, lol. 🙁

                She goes in for her eye recheck in about an hour, and I’m really hoping that we are done with the eye meds. It’s looking great!

                The foster hits just keep on coming though. 🙁 The day after Grandma Houdini got featured on our shelter’s main FB page, she started vomiting and had diarrhea. She was already on indigestion food, so we had to pursue further tests. They found that she’s in renal failure – figuring out the stage is waiting on us getting a urine sample.

                I’m absolutely devastated but lots of people have reached out to let me know that renal failure in cats doesn’t mean they necessarily won’t live a normal lifespan with proper management. But still, it’s so much on top of everything else.

                The really great new is that one of the people who contacted us and applied to meet Sun and adopt her is still willing to move ahead. She’s a pre-vet student with some experience with renal cats, so that’s really the ideal scenario.

                The same day, someone broke in next door, tried to break into our house while we were home, and did break into another house on the block and shot the person who was there when they were trying to rob her. Super shaken over all that still, but the police did get the guy at least.

                So, I’m just beyond exhausted at this point. 🙁

                She really is an exceptional girl, I think all the rare orangies are. 😀 And outside of the vomiting she has been her normal sweet self. As long as she doesn’t decide to nap under the bed through her meet and greet, I think she’s gonna do great.

                Yup! Since we FVRCP vaccine all adult cats the second they hit the shelter, they’re protected against panleuk exposure. Kittens under 4 weeks don’t get that protection, so it’s not a safe environment risk wise.

                They had just learned how to jump over the baby gate the day before, and would come running to us whenever we opened the door. Such a bittersweet image.

                I will keep you updated on Grandma Houdini’s forever home finding progress. To be fair, she’s also kinda cranky with other kitties, which is one reason why we’re not keeping her as a foster fail given this news.

                1. So sorry to hear about Grandma and yes a lot can be done to manage kidney disease. It is still not the news anyone wants to get. It would be wonderful if the potential adopter works out! Sounds like a purrfect match! Grandma don’t hide under the bed ok your furever people are coming!

                  Oh my glad to hear they caught the guy that is scary. Here is to a better week for you and the fosters🙏

                  I agree on the orange kitties special kitties;) Get some rest when you can!

  3. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! We are doing the hoppy dance here and a little jig too, this is such a HUGE milestone for Purrkins, you, Saxton and Mark! CONGRATS!!!! You are fighters, survivors, our heroes, our teachers, our inspawration, now and furever.

    LOVE the liver cake twist Holly, you are SO creative! And the icing is just freekin’ adorable, I laughed and smiled so hard, you are truly a genius in the kitchen. WHAT a backup plan!

    I hope you know how much you mean to this community. You have shared so many details, given such great information and tips and support to others through this blog and all over the community. You are a treasure. I don’t like that you had to join us because of cancer but I am grateful that you did. THANK YOU for teaching us so much even while you were working your way through Purrkins’ own battle.

    LOVE the videos and photos, you sure know how to make us smile and celebrate around here.

    ROCK ON kiddos and kitties! We are thrilled to celebrate this milestone!

    1. Thanks, Rene, Jim & Wyatt!
      It is a HUGE milestone!!
      Clare’s liver cake saved the day;) Little options for neat kitty celebrations I have no choice but to be creative. hehe

      We are furever grateful to Tripawds, and yep we hate the reason we all have to join but also happy to share & help others in the same crappy shoes. Not a journey any of us chose but without Tripawds the site the members where would any of us be? Alone, afraid and unsure to name a few. So as always we THANK YOU BOTH for staying the course, and we don’t forget Spirit Jerry!!😘😘

      We are just doing our part & giving back. We aren’t planning on going anywhere we plan on hopping and sharing what we learn thru this journey! You stuck with us remember;)

      Lots of love & rubs to Wyatt, please! Spirit kisses to Jerry! THANK YOU😘😘!
      Travel safe, please!

  4. oh excellent Purrkins! Congrats on rockin’ it for two years. I didn’t realize your amp was just a little after Isa’s (7/12/16).
    You are one handsome boy and keep up the good work!
    Teri, the Roxinator and Angel Isa

    1. Thanks, Teri
      I did not realize Isa was so close to Purrkins amp either. We joined the same month. I had no idea.

      We had a better cancer if there is such a thing. UGH, evil disease!
      Thanks for celebrating with us I know it can’t be easy!
      I hope you are all doing well!!😘

      Rubs to Roxy scratches to Wallee & Spirit kisses to Isa

  5. Happy Ampuversary, Mr P!!! You may be one leg down but you are still the luckiest cat in the whole world ever (joint first with Mr S, obviously). I just love how loved you are. Truly cherished and I love how thoroughly and carefully and thoughtfully your Mum and Dad look after you. I’ve learned a lot from following your journey thanks to your Mum’s great reporting skills. You have given us all so much, Holly and Purrkins. And these videos and photos are just wonderful. I love the fact that Purrkins is always so engaged and curious. He is one super intelligent cat, and I know he gives you the runaround on the kitchen cupboards and heaven knows where else, but I also know you wouldn’t have it any other way. And his eyes. I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again for absolute certain but his eyes are just something else. Happy Ampuversary Mr P. I’m glad you enjoyed the liver cake and I know you’ll have loved being spoiled rotten, just exactly as you deserve. Two years! Do you remember those early videos of Purrkins going up and downstairs? How far you have come! He is the ultimate kitty warrior! Purrkins we salute you!
    Meg, Clare and Angel Pie ❤️

    1. Thank you, Auntie Clare,😽 we LOVE the liver cake!!

      Clare, I really could do without a few of these scares, but Purrkins will do what he wants to do as you well know. Yesterday we were out on the harness, and for some unknown reason, Saxton scared him? Purrkins flipped out and was a bucking bronco on three! I’m sure it was a site to see! I had him on his lead, or lord knows where he was going? Scared the bejesus out of me thank the lord the harness did not let loose. OMC my heart rate I tell you was thru the roof. He would not last long here it is a horrifying thought! All is fine, but I think we are taking a harness break for a bit now;) Back to the enclosed tent.

      I remember Purrkins face plants the day he came home he bolted out of the carrier and his first steps and the steps yep, how far he has come is mind-boggling! The last two years are memories and milestones I will never forget. We have been inspired daily what a red-headed champ! Must be in the hair;)

      Lots of love to you & Meg and Miss Pie always!
      ❤️❤️❤️ XOXO

  6. Way to go Purrkins! What a great ambassador for Tripawd Kitties…and what a great outlook on life your mom has…congrats to you all!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

    1. Thanks, Paula,
      Our outlook changes by the crappy cards we get dealt, we learn to appreciate what matters most thru the crap that’s for sure! Life is too short for us all!

      Spirit Kisses to your Warrior Nitro

  7. OMD or should I say OMK count ’em 2 years! Purrkins you are a warrior! Not to mention the most loved kitty on the planet! Congrats sweet Purrkins you are rocking it and giving hope to so many along the way! Sending love and kitty cuddles your way! Keep purring along for many more!

    1. OMK, OMD, OMC we will take any;) Yep 2 years and counting!
      We are catching those love and kitty cuddles Thanks, Linda!
      We are planning on it!

  8. Congrats to all of you. Life with Purrkins has been an incredible journey for all of you!
    Holly, your boys (all three of them 💖) are so lucky to have you. The information that you store pours out to all of your family in the form of love.
    Happy Ampuversary Purrkins, and thank you and all of your family for the wealth of information that you have shared to help save other lives.
    Mr. P .. you are just the most handsome boy.. and those green eyes.. OMC just breathtaking. You keep winning the battle, you are just an amazing boy.
    Mr. S .. just love you too! Just because you are so you and go with the flow of everything. Can you make a play date with Mr. Oscar to help teach him the finer art of charm school manners?? He seems to have grown a bit of a chip on his shoulder that we can’t quite shake off of late, but Huckleberry is holding his own.

    A toast to many more happy healthy years for all of you 🥂

    Lots of love,
    Jackie, David, Andy, Oscar, Mitchell, and Huckleberry 💞

    1. Thanks, Jackie I am blessed to have 3 wonderful guys 4 my Dad;)
      We are happy to share what we know and learn on this journey.

      Purrkins says thank you, he plans on it! We are planning on it;)
      Saxton is precisely that kitty he goes with the flow he is the best brother a kitty could ask for! They are littermates, and that helps!

      Sorry, you have kitty wars, no fun hissing, and swatting! Oscar feels ok? All of a sudden makes me question. Tire Oscar out with playtime a wand toy see if that doesn’t help! Someone always has to rule the roost!

      Good job Huckleberry for holding your own, I’m not surprised Prince Huckleberry will always wear his crown!

      Scratches to all the kitties and belly rub to Mitchell
      Cheers to happy and healthy years & years! 🥂
      Same to you & your crew!

  9. H..ave

    Love your acronym for PURRKINS!❤ EXACTLY!


    All I can add is DITTO to all these great posts!! I really, really, really HOPE you understand how invaluable you and Purrkins are to this community! Do you see it? Do you see the appreciatiom? The outpouring of love you are receiving as we all celebrate this amazing milestone ought to give you a clue ❤

    I knew we were Kindred Spirits, and you just cemented it with your deer and raccoon story!

    I was graced with the presence of a tripawd deer for two years. I,put cornmout everyday for them. I’m surrounded by property thatmis “hunted” also. I swear, I think the deer know they are safe on my little 26 acres. But the damn “hunters” run their dogs through and …well…….anyway……I saw her going on the third year until the slaughter season began.

    And, I have a family of Raccoons who show up generation after generation with their babies and get Oreo cookies as their treat.

    Now, back to that Miracle Kitty named Purrkins!! Holly, she really is auch a Beacan of Hope for anyone on this journey. The knowledge that you have gained and shared with us as you navigated through unchartered waters of kitty recovery has added so much to the community. You and Purrkins really created a whole new base of knowledge for new kitty members. We were really lacking when it came to helping the cats and all the hurdles they face on this journey.

    Had to chuckle at Purrkins becoming a bucking bronco on jis leash the other day. It’s that kind of wild streak that may be what gives him the edge on this journey! That as well as having one of the very best hoomans a kitty could have!!❤

    I KNOW Purrkins thrives because he KNOWS he is so loved and so safe with you…and so well fed when it comes to celebrations!! My goodness, what a feast you laid out for TWO YEAR AMPUVERSARY VICTORY PAWTY!!

    So Purrkins, we salute you and your Mom for showing is what HOPE looks like and why it is so important to never give up! Anyone starting this journey can now hope they can be a Purrkins too😁

    Holly, your Grandma is so proud of you! And you can bet she’s having one helluva pawty celebrating this great milestone of her “Grandbaby”! Nope, that’s not thunder, that’s Grandma dancing kn the tables to Bruno Mars in Heaven! Pawty on!

    Lots and lots of love❤❤❤
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Thank you, Sally, you are gifted with your words every post you know that don’t you? You lift us and up make us smile and bring tears too. You are the only one to comment on Purrkins alt meaning;) I LOVE your acronym for HOPE !!! YES!!

      Every detail does not get past you! Thank you as always! The deer and raccoons yep I put those there for you Sally, someone whispered to me Sally needs to see those and would love it! Thanks for watching! Kindred spirits 😘 I’m glad you like the celebrations videos we could not be more proud of Purrkins, we hope many kitties do follow in Purrkins footsteps, and we provide the HOPE we all need in this journey! That was our soul purpose for starting his blog to help & share with others. ( no typo on the spelling;)

      We are Huge advocates for all critters here big and small! It has been our mission in hopes our little wildlife refuge will indeed save species that are declining. Noone seems to notice these things in today’s busy world!

      YES, we feel the love and appreciation we are SO APPRECIATIVE for every one of you stopping and taking the time to read watch and comment on Purrkins HUGE MILESTONE all of your lovely comments! We love you all and plan on hopping on many more years.

      You know you got me with Gram! Gram loved music, and when trying to find a song for Purrkins video SALLY, I was looking at Bruno Mars ?!?!!? It was in my head, but I could not find the tune!?!?! One comes to your mind? Gram is smiling down on ‘Her three-legged kitty”

      The bucking bronco in Purrkins I agree if there is a will there is a way he is a fighter, and they both know they are adored! If love can win then every animal on this site would be winning the war! We know cancer does not have rules. We will make every effort to defy it and have HOPE & pray!

      Lots of love !!!
      Love to Frankie, Myrtle and the rest of the pack I know you have and don’t know their names;)

  10. Oh gosh, meant to tell you jow much thoroughly enjoyed Purrkins’ celebrarion video! The music was perfect! Uojnreally did an excellent job editing everything and places the purrfect pictures with the misice at just the right time! Really wellmdone! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!

    And the way you chronicleed Purrlins’ journey up to eight oght months will really answer any question anyone may have about cats doing well on three legs!!

    And the Raccoons and the deer…..jist melt3d my heart ❤ Amd the little squirrel was a cutie pie too! Love usour little wildlife refuge❤

    And love you ❤

  11. Whispering Purrrrkins! Hoppy 2nd Ampuversary my Little Big Fella!!! Look at all of the wonderful people celebrating with you too! And such celebrations you had… Clare and Meg-a-Star’s Liver cake is a Huge hit on site, for both Catsss and Dawgs! I Ruv the decorations, soooo sweet!
    I Ruv your Mum and Dad for all that they do, for all of the beautiful critters that come into their safe haven, but especially for what they do for you and Sexy Saxton! You both hit the JackPot when your Mum and Dad rescued you! There are many Angels here on site and your Pawrents are two of them, not to mention Tiffany and all that she does for so many Kittens!!! Many kudos to you Miss Tiffany!
    I Ruv the videos and all that your Mum put into them. It is obvious that you are being given the best fighting chance to live furever my friend, you and your brother both!
    Much Ruv to you my Little Big Fellas, you are very special Kittens in our lives and your Pawrents too! ♥️😽👭😽♥️
    Sloppy kisses from Super Stu and head bops from Spitfire Spikey, Chester McFiend, Pretty Miss Lily and a very Talkative Ted

    1. Thank you. Aunty Petra, Uncle Paul, SUPER Stewie🎗, Spitfire Spikey, Chester Mcfield, I like that one better Petra hehe PRETTY Miss Lily, and a very talkative Stationary Teddy!

      I always say this, but I think we hit the jackpot when we saw and adopted the boys. An unplanned adoption our eyes met that was it! It was meant to be! We wouldn’t be the same people without these sweet souls! The lessons they have taught us and the love they give back is priceless. The people they have gifted us with thru this journey PRICELESS! The boys are our furbabies & we will always fight for all those we ROVE!

      I agree there are many sets of wings in this community 👁👁 & we are blessed to be a part of it and share the love.

      LOADS of love to you all we had the best July we could have asked for a month-long celebration One-year STEWIE and hopping on and Two-year Purrkins hopping on! We will keep this pawty going! Purrkins & Sexy Saxton thank you all for the beautiful heartfelt ampuversary card!! Gram thanks you too Petra!! ^i^

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