Hopping on 16 months

Purrkins In his hunt mode

We have unsuccessfully gained an entire 1 lb back!😩
Both Saxton & Purrkins both 1 lb each so two on how you look at it! I see two! I am sick, to say the least, we slacked on the weighing them for one month, this is the result!😲

This was an experiment gone wrong on what calories it would take to maintain where we were. Not intentionally missing the weigh-in life just got in the way. The plan was to experiment with calories, adding some actually, weigh them each week to know which way we were going or if we were holding steady.  We did not weigh them, and here we are One month =+1 lb If only it worked the reverse way🤢

We are back on track back with alerts on the calendar to weigh every three days then back to every week weigh ins! Maintaining this weight I have not figured out YET so when we get there I will happily share what it takes and if there is allowed any extra calories or what not?  We will get it back off and figure out the rest! UGH! We share our success and our failures because like it or not we always have both! Hard lesson learned!😞

Purrkins has always had an obsession with q-tips since he was a kitty, he actually would steal them out of a glass container.  It was a little battle we had trying to keep him out of the Q-tips! I changed the container to one that had a small drawer, he opened the drawer and got the Q-tips, into a cupboard they went, he found them. Childproof locks went on, and he tried for the longest time and could not get past the locks. My concern was his safety of course.

This is one of those cases when they become a tripawd like so many other things, everything changes & our views change:)  Purrkins is allowed to play with the Q-tip now with Mom that makes it more fun right? SUPERVISED ONLY!  I got one out, and he saw it and went bonkers;).  We took a short video for you for fun!  Watch how much fun a q-tip is & how fast he goes!

You might need to rewind it did you see him jump over his water bowl? He is a nut!  We play in the hallway because that is Purrkins runway it’s the longest strip we have without furniture in the way!

Purrkins says enough of the computer Mom & I listen;)
This is the picture we chose for this year’s calendar

Our Howloween pictures;)

Purrkins as a lion
Saxton as a Panda

Until our next post…

Much love to all

Hugs & Purrs & Scratches


Author: Purrkins

Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty. https://tripawds.circle.so/u/6f7c30d7

14 thoughts on “Hopping on 16 months”

  1. Purkins way to kick butt at 16 months on 3 legs. I loved loved the Qtip video. I couldn’t believe how fast he was and how high he jumped. Amazing.

    way to go
    oh and about the weight gain just tell mom its the Holidays coming up 😉

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    1. Thanks Michelle❣️ Glad you enjoyed Purrkins and the Qtip😻 He is fast isn’t he? He amazes me everyday!
      Purrkins can try that at the Vets but it wont fly! Mom is the one that gets the heat. So it will be off before our next recheck🤢
      If only I could take it, I would happily do so!

  2. Purrkins! What is wrong with your hooman??? Everypawdy knows your “so-called-weight-gain” is merely the extra fur you are putting on to get ready for Winter!!! GEEZ!!!

    AND, in addition to that, everypawdy knows muscle weighs more than fat!! And surely you have become more and more fit climbing up on things and pushing your Mom away from the computer! 🙂

    HAPPY SIXTEEN MONTH AMPUVERSARY SWEET PURRKINS!!! 🙂 🙂 WOW!!! Excellent accomplishment! Keep ’em coming! 🙂 Guess ice cream and cake are out of the question , huh?

    That’s okay, you’ve got free reign of the QTips now! And you are a master at catching those crazy things! They are so unpredictable!! 🙂 But no QTips are safe when you are arpund! I love that cideo!! Love it!! And love how you were able to outsmart your hoomans and always find a way to vet ro them! 🙂

    And btw, you and Saxton look ADORABLE in your costumes!!

    You are such a special addition to our tripawd family. You and your Mom bring so much joy, so many laughs, an avalanche of invaluable information and tips (yes QTips too)! And the pictures of you (and Saxron too) are always such a joy to see! You are a very, very, very handsome young man!

    Sending lots and lots of love to all

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. I knew Sally would side with Purrkins & Saxton😻! Purrkins adores Sally as we all do!! He did grow his winter coat in and some muscle;)

      If only we could get away with that at the Vets office🤢 I refuse to stand there and be lectured 👀we will have it off before the next vet visit!

      This has been a long battle. The Q-tips are a saving grace for Purrkins and Mom Purrkins will work for those Q-tips instead of treat! Purrkins & Saxton rule the roost always have, just a tad more now of course!

      I read everything thing to the boys, THANK YOU Sally❣️ Your comments always make us all smile !
      Sending lots of love right back at you!!

  3. Happy anniversary sweetie, you are the definition of pawesomeness! Eh.. one pound ma, we’ll get that back under control. Ya gotta have fun sometimes 😁
    Congrats to an awesome kitty and his awesome mom 🍦🍨🍦

  4. CONGRATS on the 16 months guys! With every ampuversary Purrkins just gets cuter and more adorable. How does that happen? Who cares right? He’s the most pawesome Trikitty ever!

    As for the weight. Look, don’t be hard on yourself. The important thing is you caught it and you are taking action. That’s half the battle. We know you’ll get the kitties back to an ideal weight, don’t sweat it. Do your best and it’ll happen. We have faith in you!

    Thanks for my Purrkins fix today. The video is the cutest action-packed Tripawd flick I’ve seen in a long time 🙂

    1. Thanks Rene,
      I think you just get to know Purrkins and he gets more Adorable:) Whatever the reason yep who cares;) He is indeed PAWESOME!! Simply amazes us everyday with his determination and go! The boy doesn’t skip a beat! If only we could of seen a preview of any of this 16 months ago. PHEW could of saved all of us a lot of worry!

      We will get it back off, we are already on it. All a learning experience, GADS one I don’t want to repeat!

      Glad you got your Purrkins fix !!
      I used the iphoto fyi;) I love it!

  5. So here’s what I’ve noticed, Holly. It works like a kind of see-saw. When the girls lose weight, I gain it, and vice versa. So, my concern is that YOU have clearly not been eating enough chocolate and cake. It is ESSENTIAL that you do so for the well being of Purrkins and Saxton. Start now. There really is no time to lose.
    Of course the lions mane must weigh a bit too. (I LOVE that pic. Love ALL the pics!). Seriously though, Rene is right. The crucial thing is you’re on the case. It’s just a small set back and it will be reversed. Weight loss is very seldom a straight line down. There are always kinks along the way. Now how about some chocolate 🍫? ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I can assure you that is not the case here! I eat chocolate everyday even if I don’t eat well I always get my chocolate in me😜🍫 I would take their weight if I could! No such see saw here;)🤣

      This weight loss with the boys is all new for us. We never succeeded until this last year! It’s all a learning experience but we are on it. Just will be interesting to figure out what it takes to keep it off. UGH No guide book that I can find on that! 🤢 The crucial thing is not to miss a weigh in thats rule 1 😔 The dogs seemed easier just sayin GADS! Hope the girls did not have the same experience on your weigh in?!
      Thanks on the pics❣️

      I’ll go eat some chocolate for the boys now ok😍😘😘 Do the same for the girls please!

  6. Purrrrkis & Saxton!
    Bahahaha! I’ve figured out your secret and won’t tell Mum, I promise!!!
    But where on earth do you keep your stash?!!! Keep putting on the actI gotta like you’re starving, it’s working, you’re Mum is feeling very guilty about cutting your food back!!! Try not to go too hard on her fellas! 😉❌⭕️

    1. Yes Mum feels guilty both ways they are starving poor kitties;) They show their displeasure everyday trust me! MEOW MEOW MEOW don’t you hear me Mom? I will paw the refrigerator now! Hear me now?!?! Mom don’t you hear me?! 😼😺UGH 🤨 I hope they listen to you Petra😉

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