Hoppy Birthday

Purrkins & Saxton celebrated their 7th birthday on June 30th!
We had a little pawty for them with gifts, hats and special food;) The pawty hats did not go over very well;) ย We did get a shot of Purrkins in his before he tried eating the string!ย ๐Ÿ™„ Cats ๐Ÿ˜‰

They got their favorite Yeoww catnip toys and a huge fish they had fun digging in the bags and tissue paper. If you have cats and they are reactive to catnip these are the best catnip toys! Yeooow, the boys, smell them in the box when they arrive!

Purrkins would eat Tuna every day if his mom were not so fussy about what he ingests.

Special occasions Mom bends the rules this was one of those occasions!
They both had Tuna & Salmon for supper! They had little unlit cat candles too LOL.

We have been working on a new disc for core strength with Purrkins. I showed pictures in a previous post, it came with instructions for dogs, and we are just following those;)

Cats can do these too! Here is the proof;)

We go for our 1-year restaging appointment on Friday to MSU oncology! UGH

We are asking the Tripawd Nation & family for pawsitive energy and prayers for the 7th at 8:30 am.

Back to the reality of this all on Friday! A day I absolutely dread!
I will bury all of my fear and anxiety for Purrkins sake!

When we get the all clear again, we will go back to breathing & hopping on!

As you can see Purrkins isn’t worried about a thing!

We will be updating again soon to celebrate our 1-year ampuversary which is on the 27th of this month!

Until our next update โ€ฆโ€ฆ
Hugs & Purrs

Author: Purrkins

Cat Diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma low grade 1 on his left front carpus at age six, now a cancer-free tripawd kitty. https://tripawds.circle.so/u/6f7c30d7

10 thoughts on “Hoppy Birthday”

  1. Happy Hoppy Birthday. I love the party hats.
    Pretty cool the balance disc ๐Ÿ™‚ Way to show us how a Kitty can do it Purkins.

    Prayers for good turn out on the 7th ๐Ÿ™‚

    michelle & Angel Sassy

    1. Thank you Michelle!
      I know Purrkins is not the A typical kitty, he actually looks forward to the disc, itโ€™s all about the bonito flakes;)
      Thank you for the prayers!!

  2. Awe – Hoppy Birthday Purrkins & Saxton! It looks like you had a great Pawty!!
    I love the way you’re using the balance disc! It’s perfect! We bought some of that flakey stuff on vacation one time as a treat & no one would touch it lol
    We’ll be thinking about you on Friday! If you see Dr. Swanson, tell her we said “hello!” I sent her a card to tell her about Murphy, she probably just got it. Purrkins looks wonderful, so I’m sure all is well!

    1. Thank you Donna!
      We are seeing Dr Vilar Friday but I will ask if Dr.Swanson is on and relay the message!
      Iโ€™m glad you sent a card and let them know about Sweet Murphy he needs a portrait hanging on the wall! The Celebration of Life the Miracle Pup he Murphy will always be! I will always remember Muphy!! Those flakey treats are Cat-Man-Doo bonito flakes;) There is some difference in the brand name? The boys do not like just bonito flakes? ๐Ÿ™„

      Purrkins is doing great, we have no reason to think they will find anything ! Itโ€™s just one of those dreaded rechecks and stupid cancer that has no rules!

  3. Hoppy Birthday Purrkins and Saxton! What lucky boys you are (well minus the hats – ha ha I couldn’t help laughing at his face in that picture he hates the hat). What a fun celebration ๐ŸŽ‰ and I’m glad they got their favorite ๐ŸŸ tuna. We will have our fingers and paws crossed for great news Friday.
    โค๏ธAmy & Rusty

    1. Amy & Rusty,
      Thank yo so much we are crossing everything here too!
      We are the lucky paw parents!! I know the hats did not go over very big LOL I had to try;)
      Hugs & & Ice cream to Rusty!

  4. Happy Birthday! I’m sorry I missed this post … things move so fast around here! ๐Ÿ™‚

    And I see we are about to be celebrating another huge milestone too!!! Fingers, toes and paws crossed out here in LA for a clean bill of health!

    Cheers, cheers and more cheers!!! I love their party hats.

    Alison with Spirit Shelby in her heart (and little Jasper too)

    1. Thank you Alison!I know they fly thru so fast!
      Eggstatic would love us wouldn’t he/she? ๐Ÿ˜‰pawty hats and onesies;) LOL
      Yes we will be celebrating Purrkins one year ampuversary next ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Thanks for the fingers, toes and paws! Give Jasper some strawberries for us;)๐Ÿ“

  5. Let’s keep this birthday pawty going shall we? LOVE all the treats and celebratory goodies you got there, what lucky kitties you are. Wasn’t that celbration worth putting up with the silly pawty hats and crazy humans taking photos? You sure look adorable (if a little peeved!).

    Hoppy birthday Purrkin and Saxon!

    p.s. YAY for the good news from MSU Purrkins!

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